Tims free signature shop I wanna brush up on my Photoshop skills, so heres the go. find a render on Planet Renders v4.1 And then fill out this form. NO RENDER NO SIGNATURE. Name that (you want to appear on signature) : Render (from Planet Renders v4.1 ) : additional comments(Anything else you want) : general theme: font: (if not in Photoshop provide a link) now i haven't been on Photoshop in a little under a month so i will probably be popping a signature out a day. Now as i said they are 100% free, advice is welcome flaming is not. if there is a certain style/signature you want give me a tutorial and ill work off that. Any signatures that are racist will not be made, but i think you guys have a bit of class. just copy this below. Name: main render: Background render: additional comments: general theme: font: For avatars use this form. Color: main render: Background render: additional comments: theme: anything else:
Name: crack00r Render : gerbilman1's profile - Planet Renders Gallery additional comments: just hacks general theme: ?? font: something cool, dont know anything about it :/ thx
Name: UNGR Render: The one called 'A Return to Simplicity' by CallMeCookieMan on this page: Fractal Renders - Planet Renders Gallery Additional Comments: None General theme: None Font: Nothing specific - just whatever you think looks great
For avatars use this form. Color: Dark. Grey or Black render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=10&pid=45686#top_display_media additional comments: Shiny letters (silver or metallic blue) through the middle: Kickazz theme: Kickazz? xD anything else: Kickazz Note: Kick ass movie and I have nothing in common. - Kick
Half done yours i just need to find a decent font. its late now so i will finish all 3 tomorrow here is what i have done so far. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/9946/34424193.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us