How do i turn off deathgrip ??? On frost dk !! How do i turn off deathgrip on my frost dk keeps pulling off the tank !!!!!!!!!!:
it`s smart ass answer for sure.. but not the one that customer needs. "brakes in my car ain working... buy another car".. seriously?
go into your Singular folder>class specific> Death knight> open the common.cs with word tab. Delete everything in the upper half regarding death grip. Should be this part: [Class(WoWClass.DeathKnight)] [Behavior(BehaviorType.Pull)] [Spec(TalentSpec.BloodDeathKnight)] [Spec(TalentSpec.FrostDeathKnight)] [Spec(TalentSpec.UnholyDeathKnight)] [Spec(TalentSpec.Lowbie)] [Context(WoWContext.Battlegrounds | WoWContext.Normal)] public static Composite CreateDeathKnightNormalAndPvPPull() { return new PrioritySelector( Movement.CreateMoveToLosBehavior(), Movement.CreateFaceTargetBehavior(), new Sequence( Spell.Cast("Death Grip", ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr > 10 * 10), new DecoratorContinue( ret => StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving, new Action(ret => Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop())), new WaitContinue(1, new ActionAlwaysSucceed())), Spell.Cast("Howling Blast"), Spell.Cast("Icy Touch"), Movement.CreateMoveToMeleeBehavior(true) ); This will only remove it for Frost and Unholy. If it still casts it, delete the second part for blood too.