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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nomnomnom, Aug 22, 2014.

    1. Fluid

      Fluid New Member

      Nov 17, 2012
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      Can't wait to test the arms stuff.
    2. Spin

      Spin Member

      May 21, 2011
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    3. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      I take it that it won't be up for tonight then? Lol!

      What do they do anyhow? Like... Comb over the code to make sure it's legit? You would think people such as noms work wojkd just get pushed right on through >.>
    4. energ

      energ New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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    5. clamforce

      clamforce New Member

      Jul 30, 2013
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      New fury rotation? really? :D
    6. dj16921

      dj16921 New Member

      Jun 19, 2013
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      idk what I'm doing wrong... glad warrior is 662 ilvl and sustains 20-22k dps, burst is like 25k dps...

      tried my 640 alt hunter with a random combat rotation and it did 18k dps... this is silly.

      I'm using Double time | Enraged Regen | Unyielding strikes | dragon roar | vigilance | bloodbath | and obviously glad's resolve

      any advice before I just switch mains to hunter ?

      Also: this was on target dummies, idk if that makes a difference.
    7. Fluid

      Fluid New Member

      Nov 17, 2012
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      Target dummies are a very very average to test damage. I get 24k at 674 ilvl but in a single target situation in raids I get mid 30s.
      I also have a hunter alt, stupidly easy to do average dps. Still level is low and gear scaling isn't great. So wack gear on your hunter and not gain much in dps.

      Go hit lfrs for testing!
    8. energ

      energ New Member

      Jun 8, 2014
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      Yes, stop playing gladiator. My presumptions say that you haven't got the best gear for it (Not itemlevel wise, stat wise), i can see players in recent logs ranging from 28k-40k gladiator dps at your item level...that's not a great deal. Compare it with arms at your item level recent logs from warriors ranged from 30k-52k. Now compare fury and your item level and you find it ranges from 25k-52k.....i'd prefer one of the latter at your item level.
    9. dj16921

      dj16921 New Member

      Jun 19, 2013
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      Strength: 4153
      Agility: 886
      Stamina: 4545
      Intellect: 708
      Spirit: 681
      Mastery: 20.47

      Damage: 4712 - 5238
      Speed: 2.483
      Power: 5052
      Crit Chance: 16.55%

      I can post an anonymous armory as well if needed, but I will try swapping to fury n see what happens ( I don't have a 2h for arms )

      Edit: just tried fury 18k dps 660 crafted wep main hand and 640 axe offhand (both 1h) 661 ilvl ... lol

      edit 2: just tired fury in lfr, 20k dps, burst to 30k for like 2 seconds then sustained 20k.. was 3rd top dps in lfr. Fresh HB install and proper settings on enyo
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    10. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      DJ I have better gear then you and I am only seeing 18-22k dps in Fury bursting up to 70k for a few seconds.. but avg out over a boss fight to about 20k.. I should be doing 35-40 forsure at my item lvl. Talked to Nom today and tried everything he suggested I try and got ZERO increase in dps.. Can anyone who is getting great dps hit me up and help me out to figure this out.. I'll give anyone who can help me get to min of 35k dps 50 bucks! I want to know how you have hotbar set.. what your doing manual vs fury bot etc etc.. bot settings class setting..

      Inbox me and we can get together and I will pay you with paypal if we can figure it out..

      Hope someone on here can help!!!
    11. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      I see some posts of people getting well over 40K using this routine.. even if I didn't do any manual stuff etc.. I should at least get 30K + .. has to be something wrong with my setup somewhere.. I've tried numerous tps settings also.. tried setting ping manger..
    12. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      It has just as much to do with proper usage of cooldowns and uptime as it does the routine. If I do nothing but let the routine do its thing I can lose up to 10k dps in worst case scenarios.

      As for the most recent update, first thing I noticed changing back to this routine was the 20fps loss >.<

      Can't speak on dps over the last version cause after one attempt I went back due to that. Especially since it was already so late in the raid night by the time it went up.

      New features sure do sound nice though. Just never noticed how bad this performed until I tried other routines. Had always pegged it as "honorbuddy" and not the particular routine. I imagine that has something to do with the rewrite which is in the works.
    13. iknowright

      iknowright New Member

      Sep 28, 2013
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      Hello everyone,

      Ill be writing a short guide (mostly me talking about how i like to use the CR) to help you all get better understanding on how to use the CR and optimize it for your game play
      i recommend going arms for every fight including single target fights because highmaul gear isnt that great for fury and you will not get the dps you need even if you play byhand
      arms is simply better now so stick to arms

      first make a new installation of honorbuddy and enable both "Enyo" & "Fury unleashed 2" in the buddystore

      now open honorbuddy go to the bot config and set a pause hotkey for enyo and click save and close

      open class config and go to general tab

      disable pre-combat hotkeys & buffs

      change "Use Racials" to "onRecklessness"

      i suggest changing vigiliance usage to "Never" and using it manually

      now you can switch to Hotkeys tab and fix the hotkeys for Tier 4 / 6 / 7 talents you want to use most of them manually

      most importantly is settings a cooldown hotkey and a Multi-target(AoE) hotkey you will need it

      Now switching to "Arms" tab

      in the first section "Arms - Ability options'

      you will set everything to never .. simply because you will only handle ur own cooldowns while the rotation does it job, unless ur picking bloodbath then you can just let the rotation use Tier 6 talent "OnBoss"

      Now go to the "Arms - Interrupts Stuns' section

      and set everything to false, its a dps lose to enable any of them and you will look weird fearing every adds you go to meet

      moving on to trinket section either set them to never or on recklessness , for people who use scabbard of kynos just set the trinket to never and i recommend using it manually in recklessness or execute phase

      everything else shouldnt be changed unless u want to fix the defensive cooldowns section

      now for game play, you will be using ur hotkeys all the time switching between AoE mode and pausing the rotation whenever needed so it wouldnt do something u dont want it to do at some points of the fight
      the rotation is awesome but it lacks a brain which you have so use it

      Now talents:-

      T45; Taste of blood for 2 target fights like brackenspore tectus twin ogron , Sudden death for fights like Kargath butcher koragh and imperator

      T60; Dragon roar for 2 target fights like brackenspore tectus twin orgon (koragh if ur on add duty) (kargath if ur on add duty) and imperator , Stormbolt is kinda only viable if u plan on going single target on koragh kargath or butcher atm

      T90: Bloodbath is viable for single target and cleave fights (cleave=2targets) Bladestorm is for whenever you will go on adds or aoe a good number of targets , Avatar is viable on butcher if ur kill times is quick so you can pop it 2 times while u cant pop Bloodbath 5 times

      T100: Anger managment or Ravager its kinda ur choise here

      now it all depends on how good you use your hotkeys and manage ur cooldowns the CR will do the job right if you do urs correctly

    14. tobinopowa

      tobinopowa New Member

      Nov 13, 2012
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      My fucking god stop cry on your dps if you are not Even able to use cd yourself, 36k butcher mythic on 674 itlvl, 55k kargath myt ,35k imperator hm ,33k Ko ragh hm with some manual execute on 20% barrier, other boss i play arms with another routine for now, hope this will get better dps when update.. and talent ofc is situational
    15. Fluid

      Fluid New Member

      Nov 17, 2012
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      Nice write up. I was going to reply to mmoworldonline but I don't really have anything to add to that. As far as action bars in game, I only run a small bar with Tallent cds, charge and other cds pretty much.
    16. Sunolicious

      Sunolicious New Member

      Apr 4, 2013
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      wich other routine do you use for arms ?
    17. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      herpderp. 45k butcher w/ 670 ilvl
    18. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      aww, hows about adding alt as a hotkey :(

      EDIT1 (and capslock but i think i already posted about that one)

      or even better, let us simply m ap our own hotkey ala a "press your hotkey" type system?

      EDIT2 jesus this is making it difficult. back again for edit #2 lol. Remapping some of my PTT keys to make this a little more comprehensive and ran against another brick wall!

      you have mouse 4 & 5 but.. no mouse button 3. FML
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    19. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      So with that being said, if I just let the routine do nothing and let it run I get 18k. If it's a 10k loss i should be doing 35k or more with never touching my keyboard except to get into striking range. I am going to try the guide posted and hopefully those tips will help. Thanks so much to the person who posted. I used this routine in MoP and I didn't even have to touch a single key to be number one in raid so I just wonder if my HB or Enyo or something is messed up. Going to try the clean install and tips..
    20. bestdamnwarrior

      bestdamnwarrior Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      In regards to Iknowright's post, I will say it's a great write up and thank you but I will admit, there are many of the options that he said to disable, etc. that I DON'T do and still do very well with this CR. I would certainly suggest to anyone having problems with dps/dmg to go ahead and try his suggestion but again, I've got a very different setup than him and still perform very well with my guild to the point of being a top 3 or better person on the meters on nearly every fight.

      I truly believe it boils down to understanding each fight and when to use offensive CD's, what talents to choose on each fight, when to use trinks if applicable to maximize your output as well as proper settings for your PC's setup. People who continue to post about how crappy their DPS is on target dummies just need to STOP. Testing this on dummies is retarded and we've all mentioned that's not the way to test it.

      LFR queues are usually pretty quick for DPS. I go into LFR's testing this routine CONSTANTLY to work out the kinks and get familiar with bosses to better optimize when I'm going to be using things.

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