Title This was my first profile and I haven't looked at it in a while, I think they compiled fine. I haven't used them in a long time and it only picks up any of the dailies in the first slot at the table. I also never got around to doing Assault on Skettis so it won't do that. Has to be started in Draenor (yes I was too lazy to copy-paste the other movement into it). Use at your own peril (not risk of being banned peril, I mean that it's horribly messy). But we all gotta start somewhere and someone may want to use them. Yes I was too lazy to even make it a neutral profile, that's what I was like 3 months ago. Yes, it's also when I was using quest overrides so it doesn't pick anything up. If I ever do the awful apexis dailies again I'll add them, or if someone gives me the MobIds of the relevant pickups (developer tools -> Objects -> Game Objects -> Entry of the relevant item) I'll add them. The stonefury cliffs probably also needs fixing just to avoid the lava (CRs tend to ignore games of THE FLOOR IS LAVA) though I don't think it was a huge problem. Update 1: Learnt a lot, it's a lot cleaner. Floor is lava is still annoying as I was too lazy to have it avoid that area, and the 2nd problem is the tower in mok'gol outpost. Wasn't sure how to get it to ignore the tower so it generally just runs under it then blacklists it until the profile's done (or it's restarted). Also it's faction neutral and didn't seem to have any issues in the new quest detection.
I am looking through the code, mostly cause there were a couple I had yet created.... and it looks ok. The main thing is that since you have created this profile, the garrisons have been mapped and no longer need CTM movement. Otherwise, looking great! I'll test for the next few days and report back. ***** EDIT *************** Successfully picks up and turns in quest at my Level 3 Garrisons. Will test x 3-4 toons daily and will post here after testing each hotspots: Assault on Magnorok - Working Stonefury Cliffs - Working (though lava is a problem) Everbloom - Working Assault on Darktide Roost - Had to add more HS due to looping quickly Assault on Socrethar's Rise - Working Assault on Pillars of Fate - Working Assault on Mok'gol Outpost - Working **************************** Thanks for pushing to public btw! I had my own profiles, but I couldn't fine a way to click the accept quest button from the table!
just fired this up today. on my alliance toons, it does pickup the quest.. stands there for a few minutes, then shows hearthing (but doesnt actually hearth) in the log, then attempts to turn in the quest - but my guy never moved.
Almost all of these work great, except When running to Dailies located in Nagrand, it attacks the elite beasts on the way to the grind zone, although the "Attack Elite" option is set to false. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
There's a way to disable pulling. I updated the profile heavily so I'll release the updated version and add in the disable.
Is this still active? Just realized that I need a ton of Apexis crystals, and this would help immensely!