Is there a profile to trap for the barn I know on my server the savage bloods go for around 1k seems like a good way to make gold. Not sure but i havent seen a proflie for the barn I might had over looked it Thanks.
PHP: <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOnV2" ItemId="115009" MobId1="X" UseItemStrategy="UseItemOncePerTargetDontDefend" NumOfTimesToUseItem="100" UseWhenMobHasHealthPercent="60" MaxRangeToUseItem="8" CollectionDistance="200" WaitTimeAfterItemUse="10000" > <HuntingGrounds WaypointVisitStrategy="Random"> </HuntingGrounds> </CustomBehavior> Range may need to be adjusted to suit mobs (range 4 for the savage blood mobs). Also wait time you can probably change, I just have it that high to meld better with the CR. Also your own hotspots and MobId.