GarrisonBuddy no longer supported for the while--use Beta if you need it... It was removed from the UI since we no longer support it, and will not accept bug reports about it for now. If you used it in HB3 successfully then there is still a way you can use it. 1. Download the beta from here. 2. Extract it to a folder 3. Open Honorbuddy and close it again 4. Open Settings\GlobalSettings.xml 5. Change <ShowGarrisonBuddy>False</ShowGarrisonBuddy> to <ShowGarrisonBuddy>True</ShowGarrisonBuddy> But keep in mind that we will not provide support for Garrisonbuddy anymore.
i though there was a poll done and most said yes to doing it sad to see it go i used it all the time on my 12 characters
As I understand, they weren't looking for "most said yes". They were looking for a certain number of 'yes' to do it. Like, if they saw 2,000 maybe then they would? I think the poll only went to like 150 yes ?
As it is fairly safe to bot in with decent gold revenue and let alone the dailies there, its sad to see it not supported. Not to mention not needing the Legion expansion of around 30$ Hope this changes soon!