Hello, New to HB here. I've been using separate profiles to gather and then to mill, but I wanted to know if I would be able to find a profile that does all of these things (including selling to vendor, etc..) all in one profile? If this is possible, and these profiles are out there that people know of, it would be greatly appreciated if you can link me, as I have not found anything like this yet. Thanks in advance!
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-pb-insc-vendor-enchants-buying-stuff-ah.html first page on the subforum..
Thanks for the replies. That profile is indeed awesome, but like cici mentioned, it doesn't quite do what I am asking about. primo, I am aware of where the search box is, thanks.
I am sure you can do it with mixed mode on PB but as of yet i have not needed to try so i may be worng
That would suck! I've just managed to find 4 people on my server to send me all the inks they make so I can make a higher profit haha. I'm getting so much coming through I fill my bags up about 3 times.