Hi there, Im having an issue where the bot will not mount between hotspots. Log file attached. Any help would be appreciated. Kind regards, Jojosgotmojo
I have found, through chance, that if you have a flying mount selected in the dropdown box for what ground mount to use GB2 will kick it out, same with random mount. So, I've been getting around it by specifying that it use a specific ground mount, and it fixed it for me.
i have tried this with Golden King, Crimson Water Strider and the Grand Expedition Yak and all three still do not mount.
[19:39:37.828 D] MountName has no value yet [19:39:37.828 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet set your mounts
Oddly enough, i had set them via the UI settings. I went into the honorbuddy settings folder in the root directory and navigated to my characters settings text file where it wasn't defined. I've manually put them in the text file and now it works fine and can even change the mounts via the honorbuddy UI. It was a clean install because i had the issue on the updated version too. Maybe it was just bad luck?