Hi there, I have gone through the forums and have seen that this is a issue with windows 8 and the .net 4.5 framework, where gatherbuddy2 wont repair, The issue has been around for some time now and im wondering if there is ever going to be a fix, I only get about 4 hours of farming in before my gear is red and then its pretty much game over until I get home to repair. Running windows 8 means you cant uninstall .net 4.5 so I am hoping that some one is working on a fix, the questbuddy work's fine and repairs when needed. Is some one working on this? Thanks Bot2Win
it has nothing to do with your .net, at least not at this point. first things first. click "Settings and Tools" and under the mounts section, turn off Random, and Automatically. after that type in the NAMES of the mounts you want to use in the boxes. try and stay away from rare or hard to get mounts. then try it again. if it fails then please upload a new log as an attachment so we can see whats going on. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log.html
Hi CodeNameG, Thanks for the fast reply, Still no luck with those changes my gear was at 1%, made those changes then saved, Started the bot and the first thing he did was fly down to a node with a bunch of mobs. So I stopped the bot and pulled out so I didn't Die again. I will attach the logs below. Thanks