Hi I'm have some trouble i have downloaded a couple of skinning profiles and they aren't working! my toon just flies around doing nothing because i cant set it to skin mobs, I'm using Honorbuddy and in the drop down list i select Gatherbuddy2 and load the profile try to alter the bot settings and i only get the option to herb or mine no skin Here's a link to the 2 profiles i downloaded: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb.../31071-n-cinderweb-skinning-molten-front.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ght-highlands-obsidian-forest-sevenshoot.html Any help here would be appreciated i really want to be able to use it for skinning!
All skinning profiles are used via Grindbot. Check your Settings, check advanced mode, there is a checkbox for skinning.