I know i know.. GB is a specific bot for farming and GB2 is just a part of HB who try do the same, but whats your opinion, what is the best and why?
for me GB2 beats Gatherbuddy hands down,,, 1. much better fight logic (because of HB) why settle for macro combat when u can use cc's. 2. it flies from node to node & not straight up in the air after each node like gatherbuddy (which is bloody annoying) 3. i don't know, it just feels Sexy!
well been using GB2 here and 20 mins.. and i have to say.. man!! thats awesome!! archeologybuddy and GB2 come from the same author.. this guy rocks!
indeed they do, talking of archaeology , i ran it yesterday for hours , unattended, ran like a dream, no problems whatsoever, awsome work Raphus and the rest of the team for bringing us all this giddiness!
i have bought lifetime from the first second HB came out.. i have been using it since then but stopped here and 2-3 months, i was asking myself meh that's rubbish, i paid 80 euros for nothing cz now its all bugs and this shit.. but.. i ask totally sorry, waiting brought me a new HB/GB that ROCKS more than ever now, with hall new features and staff!! Thanks to all team who worked to bring this results!
I'm new to botting and made a second account for it. Is there a way blizzard can link my main account to my botting account? Say I want to give my main some gold.. can they detect it by trade or by mail? Side note: I was botting last night and wow shutdown. When I tried to get back on it said "cannot obtain patch information" I reseted my router and everything seemed to work fine. Was this Ip ban? I'm also curious to know if just downloading any leveling profile is safe without using additional addons. I am currently using a 1-60 kalimador leveling profile and a class profile for my hunter. Maybe there are addons you guys can reccomend for leveling.
Course i'm a farmer, i stick to GB, course GB2 use to much RAM and CPU, and you cant run so much HB's as GB's on your comp
Shitty is Of very poor quality; highly inferior. Contemptible; despicable. Unfortunate; unpleasant. Being in a state of discomfort or unhappiness; miserable. Incompetent; inept. Trivial; insignificant. Grammar police pfff...leave me alone! haha