Hi, i use FpswareCC for Druid [GB2]. My Problem is that when it comes to a fight, my toon shifts in cat form and kills the mob, but did not shift back to Flight Form, he only stands still and want to shift to flight form. I have to manually shift my toon in to normal form that he can shift in flight form. Here?s the log:
You should use Singular to be honest. The fight system is pretty good and it will auto-shapeshift. I'm not quite sure if its a CC problem at all, but I guess so. Else try http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ovement/33319-[gb2]-druid-harvest-helper.html
i tried out the singular cc and the Druid Harvest Helper, that didnt work for me too. Maybe its a problem in my interface options.
[16:33:53:047] Could not compile CC from D:\123HB\CustomClasses\Durid! [16:33:53:048] File: DuridRoutine.Misc.cs Line: 39 Error: Der Aufruf unterscheidet nicht eindeutig zwischen folgenden Methoden und Eigenschaften: "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" und "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" File: DuridRoutine.Misc.cs Line: 40 Error: Der Aufruf unterscheidet nicht eindeutig zwischen folgenden Methoden und Eigenschaften: "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" und "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" File: DuridRoutine.Misc.cs Line: 41 Error: Der Aufruf unterscheidet nicht eindeutig zwischen folgenden Methoden und Eigenschaften: "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" und "Durid.Extensions.FormFromShift(Styx.ShapeshiftForm)" yes there are some errors on your installation Grab Singular v2 and give it a try in case you still have problems post a fresh log
The Druid Harvester helps me a lot to not getting into fight at farming, but i now have the problem too at Archaeology. I see in the debug, that the bot want to cast the spell for Flightform, but he cannot change to Flight Form when he is in cat form. Can i add a line to change to normalform when the toon isn?t in a fight? Some help would be nice
Problem solved, after hours of searching the forum ^^ http://www.thebuddyforum.com/support-issues/25170-gb2-druid-problem-mount-3.html i didnt had my autoshapeshift on. I searched them in the options before but there were none, i think my installed TukUI has deleted some options out of the "interface". But i thought they where only deleted when UI is loaded but i were wrong. Have a nice day!