As the title says, I'm working on professions, and due to the vast amount of herbs compared to mining nodes, I no longer require herbs, and would like to speed up my mining collecting. As such, I wanted to configure GB2 to run the same route it was before, but this time, just ignore all the herbs. I opened the Settings & Tools panel, and unchecked Harvest Herbs. The bot ignores it, however, and continues on its merry way collecting them. There is no whitelist/blacklist in profiles anymore, nor a setting to tell it if you want it to mine/herb, so I'm not sure what else I need to to do turn of harvesting of herbs. Any ideas?
Found it, it's in Bot Config. Might I recommend you have it only in one place instead of multiple? This would of course be an enhancement that's way down on the priority list, but still, something to drop on the backlog.