So a bunch of things are in german for me.. while the rest are english. Things in german include: Several profile page items The mouseover for the little green bars under a name (What I assume to be related to post count or rep? This is what I'd really like in english) and a few other misc things Any way to fix them? or do I just need to live with them like most of the other foibles around here and HB.
I did not even realise something here is in german. But it would be nice if there was an option to switch the whole site to other languages (like german) without any tools/programs like google chrome (translater integrated) [or if there where some subforums for specific languages, german, spanish, frensh.... where users can help/discuss in there native language. I know there are serval topics already but i think this is really confusing because they do not have any structures and, for example the "German Topic" has nearely 150 pages. If you are serching for something that was posted in the past you have to spend lot of time to find it (even with the search function).] I saw that there is one already. I think this would be much easier for lots of people using HB. I would agree to help, if this can be implemented. Greetings FreeZe and sorry for my bad english (im german)