I Saw somebody mention this in a post awhile back on here how true is it? As i get quite a few everyday, thanks.
my wow only crashes when running hb or gb... and usually only when I am sleeping... if Im sitting there just watching it... it doesnt crash... but it seems the moment I goto bed.... crash
Samething with me. I feel it is a conspiracy with Blizzard. They know I bot, but they are happy I pay for all my accounts. So they obviously hack into my webcam and can tell when I leave my computer, then they crash my WoW's : /
i started to get wow crashes errors too. until now , everything was fine , but yesterday and today , every time i leave my pc , when i come back the wow is crashed.
WOOOOT! And I thought that I am the only person who had happned to this ... I sit 8 hours at my desk and everything runs straight, then I left my office and came back after 8 hours and have to see, that WOW crashed 10mins after I had left This also happens if I start it and watch it for 30mins, then I left - came back and WoW crashed ... Can someone explain this to me?
honestly i get the exact same thing. i have run multiple characters with questing/grinding/IB/AB, and it really does seem that the only time that wow crashes is when i am not watching it. i dont interfere with the bot while i am watching it cuz im usually watching a movie or something else on my other monitor but i can still see it. the only one that i have not had it crash on was AB. i have let that run for about a week now and not a single crash and the only DC was because of server restarts on tuesday. could just be my horrible luck but it really only seems as if wow crashes while im not watching it and usually only after 20-30 mins after i stop watching it. kinda sucks but shit happens. not like i was actually playing anyway so what it got done was more than i would have, but still....