So i just downloaded the newest version of hb and suddenly i get this: Logging in... Buddy Sessions: 0/0 ----- Shared Sessions: 1/3 Error - Endscene hook failed: Could not assemble and inject detour. Attached to WoW with ID 2496 And i get an error which tells me that it cant start because theres something named 'styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings' thats occuring a problem :S I tried to search for the file or w.e it is but i cant even find it on my computer. Any help?
Redownload HB. Drop it into a new folder, dont upzip it over your old install. Then try again. After that please upload your log from the new folder ( )
yea well i jsut tried.. it does the same thing. heres the log : [12:34:53 AM:806] Logging in... [12:34:56 AM:103] Buddy Sessions: 0/0 ----- Shared Sessions: 1/3 [12:34:58 AM:515] Error - Endscene hook failed: Could not assemble and inject detour. [12:34:58 AM:640] Attached to WoW with ID 2496 meh
Odd... I've never seen this error before. Tony, we needs your help. @ihasfood - Tony is the Man. He is THE support guy here on TheBuddyForums. I bet you when he reads this he'll answer with a simple step, and it'll solve it. He should be logging on sometime in the next couple hours, during which he responds to 25+ support issue threads. Best of luck to ya.
after relogging on another char i tried once more to login to it.. and bang worked.. hopefully it will keep working lol. And that error was really weird. anyway. ty for ur help
Maybe somehow WoW itself tossed an LUA error, and HB didn't/wasn't allowed to bind to it... Oh well, it's working. GG
wow in windowed wow ran as dx9 hb as admin this should fix your issues if it does not, attach the full log.txt from the hb/logs/ folder