hey guys just wanna know if you,re able to earn 1 million a day or 2 million a day. thanks appreciate it much!
This, and the more accounts you have at your disposal along with more instances available for RebornBuddy the amount earned multiplies. So you can claim and farm an area solo earn 1x rate, or you can load up 4+ accounts get them all in the same party, claim and farm the same area for 4x the rate. The only issue now is securing a farm area before it gets taken by another player or bot. There are already many bots out there that make it abit too obvious by running it 24/7 in the same place and demonstrating awkward behavior like attacking A rank NM's and returning to the farm location only to attack it again and die in an endless loop. Just exercise caution when doing so.
Right now I just run my miner 24/7 farming shards and I can get about 1m in this time. After buying enough gear for my miners to do 2-3 star nodes I will then find some profiles to start running those.
Starting to do this myself mine 24/7 I just keep getting pesky disconnection errors with final fantasy error 9002 etc
i wonder do they ip ban? what if I get more than 2 accounts on the same ip, will they ban all at once?
You can still make gil that way, but not that amount. The price on FCDM and MCDM have dropped significantly since the video was released. On my server they fluctuate from like 75-100k (325k per in the video I believe) each.
That's still 3-4 million gil in one day. I agree that it fluctuates. When I try to sell them, they sell for about 60-75k. When I need to buy one, they are normally about 220k that day, so I am forced to go farming again.
Well like I said you can still make Gil that way, my only point was it wasn't close to that number unless you put in significantly more work than in the video simply due to depreciation.
I can pull in a good 10 mil or so on a weekend doing 7 man final coil sales. Last night made 6M, doing 8 sales 3 -10 3 -11 2 -12.