hey i always only had 1 account... im thinking about Buying 3 other accounts and multiboxing to 80 just for fun Im multiboxing with an account and 3 other trial accounts and its sooo fkn fun ele shamans ftw... annnnnddd im thinking about buying 3 other accounts leveling to 80 then farming like crazy and start gold selling... Is it like worth it and how much cash do i need to start ? ye im kinda just 16 and i dont have alot of money... thats why im sying is it worth it..
yea, you have no clue what your getting yourself into, if your not experienced, in gold buying and selling, its better at this point just to stay out of it.
Pretty much what he said Right now, where things stand, there is no profit in it unless you take it serious and consider it a main source of income. You'll need to have 10+ accounts before you can really say you're making "money". If you REALLY want to give it a shot, take a few days researching about the topic so you have a solid background about the whole scene. But if that's too much work for you, then you should already just forget about it =< Gold selling has great potentials when it comes to making money. But unless you understand how things work and be ready to take the risk(s), don't do it as it will only cause you a headache and quite a lot of time wasted Bottom line is, if you're gonna do it as a "hobby", it's not worth it (unless you just really enjoy the whole thing >_>) But if you're gonna take it seriously.. well.. you shouldn't have asked such questions to begin with >.<
It's not impossibe to get in business if you have no experience. I started on 7/2010 and I think it works out pretty good for me now. But: I'm only doing it to get ~400€/month (if I would earn more I'd have to get health insurance etc) to finance my studies which will begin next year. I would never try to have this as a job... And ot wasn't that easy ...I got scammed three times...but I learned of it and haven't been scamed recently.
You sound just like my cousin. Gold selling is no joke. Think of it like trading illegal things on the black market. If you get caught, you're screwed a lot (by blizz, by scammers, etc). If you don't take the proper counter measures, you will lose all of the time and money invested
If you have alot of free time, why don't you get a job or atleast try? I'm sure you could get something that earns you some cash, even if you're underage, a small job is still a job and money is still money. People bot because they: A) Are lazy B) Don't have alot of freetime.
This. Im 16, have a job, play WoW when i am not socializing, use the bot to play wow when your at work when your not playing wow. You'll earn more money and still, essentially, be playing WoW.
Another clueless botter who doesn't know what he's getting himself into, no offence but I see this constantly, people like this guy really need to stop jizzing their panties over the prospect of money and man the fuck up and research A LOT before even considering getting into this dead market.
Yeh DUDE THERE IS HEAPZ of monies I be makin'. I be makin' like 500000 dollars every dai teh moniez i make from teh bottin iz crazy as.
Dont do it, you end up looking at your screen for hours, and end up making like 0,50c/hr for your freetime. Get a proper job.