FYI: I read that the first time now, don't know if everyone knows it already but the gold limit has been increased from ~215k to 1 million!
My guild told me this in Cata Beta. I wonder why they picked such a random number in the first place (214,748 gold, 36 silver, 48 copper)
this was not a random number, it is because of computer logic, it is a int32 structure that has a exact length of +-2.147.483.648
its probably the limit on the value. for example as shown above 8 abit can write till 255, 16bit can write till 65535 and 32bit can write till 4294967295 things these can be fudged however, it may also be the limit of the value on the database server as well. im 100% sure the the value wasn't random, there's always a reason behind everything. Except Cheetos they just rock!
I had to google what cheetos are and found this XD
Is there an increase in the amount available to transfer with a character across servers as well, or does this remain at 20k?
If this is up2date( Then yes. "Level 70 - 80: 20000 gold limit"
Can u get banned from transfering gold via neutral ah. It would be between two account as on the same account.
no you cant get banned for transfering gold via neutral ah.. they know people do this so the neutral ah keeps more of the money.. dont know the percentages exactly.. you just have to hope noone else will buy the items