well if they nerf all dungeons grind you can do, price might raise abit. tho dupe still there anyway, so raise not much.
in fact the dungeon nerf is best that could happen to profit botters. following nonsense is just my opinion. but it makes sense. reason for the goldcrash were the 100+ stonecore bots per server. generating 400+k gold every hour. that was enough to feed all demand. how did this stonecore bots work? 1st they were able to walk thrue walls, everybody saw it. the tool they use is called HBHelper. A public avialable paid hack that allows you to walk thrue walls and other "nice" things. I strongly recommend not to use this tool! It will get you banned within hours. Next thing: It were regular accounts first. Bought over rssian IP for 99rub (about 2us$) don't believe? pm me, i will give you the skype contact to the person who sells them. Same person gave me some more insight. Again. If you don't believe, contact me, i will give you the skype details. After those 2$ Battlechest accounts were fully functional they were updated to WOD by fraudulent methods. level 90 boost was activated, and accounts were able to farm stonecore for about 10 hours. After 10 hours, blizzards security system woke up, and banned this fraudulent accounts. What happened in this 10 hours? it were 10 hours of 4k/h meaning 40k gained . price droppet to 0,07/k (euro) so it was still 2.80 euro. So the fraud gold botters got about 1$ profit per account per 10 hours (2.80 euro turnover - 99rub regular paid wow account). remember they didn't to it with 1 or 10 accounts. it were 100s on each and every server. 10 servers, 100 accounts means 1000$ profit in 10 hours. now that blizzard nerfed the dungeon loot, these fraudulent companies are not able to get their investment returnet. before 4k/hour, now 1.5k/hour. 1.5*10 hours = 15k in an accounts lifetime. this 15k are not enough to pay the 99rub. so we will get less gold. but the goldprice will raise again after chinese stocks are empty.
I have stonecore profile all mobs and boss, before nerf i could make ~1.3k/h and my druid done dung in ~6 min is there any exploit to bypass instance limit?.
guys they nerfed the method that 90% of the botters were using for profit because they are preparing to sell gold and they dont like competition its a win win scenario for blizz anyway botting is not yet dead but i guess the old days are long past...
Unless HBHelper can bypass the instance limit with its "nice" things (hard to define "nice" ennit) he brings up a rather valid point. Besides the 99rubles battle.net is easy to do and sometimes isn't available, I doubt they buy a battlechest from some dude on skype and then use other fraudulent to boost to level 90. Why wouldn't they buy a BC+WOD right away with their fraudulent activities?
pretty sure they werent using a browser hijacker to walk through walls. unless your google search turns up something mine doesnt. source pls, or post a screenshot.
Search deeper in google, uns different spelling. For sure i will not post a link to a programm that hacks wow here. first the link will be removed within minutes, 2nd, it is against the forum rules and i won't risk a ban for this shit. 3rd, i strongly suggest not to download or use this tool. a screenshot: ok, i think i can give you. but i think majority won,t be able to read it. You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! try it, and you will konw it. if you buy it at blizzard, with faked information, char will get a 72 hour restriction on trading. even you don't use the starteraccount features. buy accounts in other online stores? show me one online store that keeps 1000s of wow accounts in stock every day.