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  • [PAID] <<< @GoldBoss Module: Garrison Missions >>>

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Jan 12, 2016.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Short links:


      Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・

      • Free Trial for 2 Days before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account
        -> Hit Trial Button
        on Product Page GoldBoss Module: Garrison Missions

      • You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying
        But be aware - all refunds are permanent

        This mean you Never be able to repurchase in future

        Please consider to seek assistance before refunding products


      [ This product is Module for @GoldBoss Engine and require it to work. ]

      BuddyStore Link: https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=6131

      + Auto Start & Auto Complete Missions
      + Prioritize Missions Executing by Types, Setup Min Success chance for each Type
      -> Auto Generate and Calculate Best Followers Party for Mission with Scavenger, when needed and Max Follower EXP when needed and can
      + Auto check and take stock all Threat / Environment Encounters, Normal Traits, Racial Traits + More!

      Auto Create Weapons & Armor from Tokens


      Module [ Missions ], Supported Alliance & Horde:
      -> Auto Collect Information about Available and Completed, Ready to TurnIn Missions
      -> Show Output Information About Missions (Name, Level, iLevel, ID)
      -> Do not Sent Follower, If his Level < Mission Level GUI Option
      -> Garrison Resources to Start Missions >= X Option
      -> Start EXP Missions Anyway, even when we do not have Follower to LevelUp
      -> Check if we have enought Garrison Resources to Start Mission
      -> Calculation: % Success for Follower by Mission
      -> Auto Start Missions
      -> Auto Complete Missions
      -> Advanced Log for Available, Completed Missions; Starting Missions & Followers, Turning In Missions
      -> Auto Collecting Information about Followers
      -> Auto selection most suitable Followers for Mission
      -> Auto check and take stock all Threat Encounters
      -> Auto check and take stock all Environment Encounters
      -> Auto check and take stock all Normal Traits
      -> Auto check and take stock all Racial Traits
      -> Mission Simulator for Checking Success Chance by Mission ID
      -> Auto Generate and Calculate Best Followers Party for Mission with Scavenger, when needed and Max Follower EXP when needed and can
      -> All 6.2 Character Tokens Support
      -> "Blackrock Foundry Spoils" 665, 680, 695 Tokens Support to "Character Token " Missions Type
      -> Get Missions With Reward Type:
      ---> Gold
      ---> Follower Experience
      ---> Follower Token
      ---> Character Token
      ---> Garrison Resource
      ---> Oil resource
      ---> Apexis Crystal
      ---> Artifact Fragment
      ---> Seal of Tempered Fate
      ---> Honor Points
      ---> Follower Re-training Items, including: "Follower Retraining Scroll Case", "Follower Trait Retraining Guide", "Follower Ability Retraining Manual"
      ---> Abrogator Stone
      ---> Elemental Rune
      ---> Savage Blood
      ---> Primal Spirit
      ---> Runic Pouch
      ---> Scouting Report
      ---> Rush Order
      ------> "Rush Order The Tannery"
      ------> "Rush Order Engineering Works"
      ------> "Rush Order Enchanters Study"
      ------> "Rush Order Alchemy Lab"
      ------> "Rush Order Tailoring Emporium"
      ------> "Rush Order Gem Boutique"
      ------> "Rush Order The Forge Support"
      ------> "Rush Order Scribe's Quarters Support"
      ------> "Rush Order" Missions Type Smart Choose - only if You have Building for this Profession
      ---> Other
      ---> Conquest Points
      ---> Follower Encounter Trait (Winning with Wildlings, Ogre Buddy Handbook, Grease Monkey Guide, Guide to Arakkoa Relations
      ---> Treasure Map (Shadowmoon Valley, Nagrand, Frostfire, Spires of Arak, Talador, Gorgrond)
      -> Use Treasure Hunter Follower Only in Mission With Gold Reward option in GUI
      -> Use Only Treasure Hunter Followers for Missions with Gold reward
      -> Use Scavenger Follower Only in Mission With Garrison Resources Reward option in GUI
      -> Mission Priority Start by Type option in GUI
      -> Mission Min Success Rate by Type option in GUI
      -> Character Token Minimum iLevel option in GUI
      -> Follower Token Minimum iLevel option in GUI
      -> Minimum Mission Duration to Prefer use of Epic Mount option in GUI
      -> Missions: Print Reward with applied modifier by Followers Trais (increase Oil, GarrisonResources, Apex, Gold, EXP) when Starting Mission
      Module [ Tokens ], Supported Alliance & Horde:
      -> Auto Create Weapons & Armor from Tokens
      -> Create Items for Player:
      ---> Create Items from Grandiose Set ilvl 645
      ---> Create Items from Turbulent Set ilvl 630
      ---> Create Items from Munificent Set ilvl 615
      ---> Create Items from Tormented Set ilvl 610-530
      -> Create Items for Follower
      ---> Create from Armor Enhancement Token
      ---> Create from Weapon Enhancement Token
      -> Check if i high level enough for using Token

      Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      [ FAQ, Guides, HowTo ]
      ^-- click

      Thread Management rules
      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:
      • Information about product states, new modules and release, change log for versions
        [*] Before posting Issue \ Request - Please make sure its not already posted and not in list of known bugs, upcoming changes in next build, try not to litter thread with same posts
      • If you have any idea to implement, please use Idea service instead of Support Thread: Vote for existing or add your own if its not exists yet: GoldBoss -> Add Idea All ideas reviewed only from Idea Service, according user votes.
      • Constructive criticism with specific details
      • If you have problem, prefer to use Issue Tracker For post it: GoldBoss -> Add Issue Ticket , also you can post bug reports in Support Thread with a full log attached (do not post log file in post, use attachments instead).
        [*] Questions about issue without proper reporting is not considered
      Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Price discussions
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      • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
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      • etc
      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
    3. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      #reserved @2
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      #reserved @3
    5. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      Error when doing Prequest for jewelcrafting

      not sure if this is the correct location for this if not i apologize. here is my log for this problem

      when trying to do garrison quest it tells me that it is doing the pre quest but never does anything just brings up the ability to make items. now i did manual finish it after this hoping that it would now skip it but it continues to try and that is even after i delete the cache and all the files inside of there

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    6. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      You running GarrisonBuddy, not GoldBoss
      GoldBoss do not have such problem To run GoldBoss - select it in BotBase list
    7. Chapster

      Chapster New Member

      Jan 8, 2013
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      Hello Alisha:

      GoldBoss is completely freezing WoW while attempting to launch Missions. By freezing, I mean WoW stops responding and you get the infinite spinning circle.
      Last message on Honorbuddy says:
    8. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Hi, . Thank you for report. However, without log from you i am clueless.

      Please attach your log file:

      Honorbuddy should be stopped right after issue occurred.

      p.s. please do clean install before this:
      (last hb build: http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=HonorBuddy should be un-zipped in new folder, no files besides it should be copied there, Buddy Store here all should be disabled except GoldBoss, all addons in wow should be disabled as well.

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