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  • Got a bit of a mess of accounts maybe someone can help me out

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by HairyWig, Oct 14, 2016.

    1. HairyWig

      HairyWig New Member

      Oct 14, 2016
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      So heres my situation; I've made an account through the buddy store where I've bought alot of routines ect... it's buddy store usernames is "(HairyWig) However the key expired and I wasn't able to come into well enough contact/I was to dumb to look through the forums about how to confirm your account and email addresses. Anyways I purchased not one but two of your one year subscriptions before I finally figured out how to connnect an email to the Auth account; I'm now wondering If I could get the stuff I bought on the HairyWig Buddyshop account merged with the new HairyWig2 account with the 2 one year passes I have so I don't have to re-purchase the routines ect... If not that not to big of a deal but I would like to know when paypal will be accepted for the buddystore again as I cannot get ANY of my current cards to work with purchasing from it; Thankyou for any who help with the situation, If you need proof of email ect.. ownership of accounts I can gladly provide screenshots on Discord or over the forums here; my name on Discord is "King".
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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