Hey I got banned after 4 years of botting and Im guessing I was botting for too many hours, specially in Proudmoore Im guessing, idk. I'm waiting for them to put some on sale to buy a new license. Any help/hint to avoid the ban hammer for the next time? I lost so many things this time, including 600k gold, so many transmog gear and of course my raiding gear on my dk and warlock. Well yes Im super butthurt lol and I tried to unban it many many times, and these assholes kept saying you were using a third-party (bot) and of course I kept lying that I didn't but it didnt work tho. I guess this time Im going to screw Blizzard by never GETTING banned "or" before the final suspension which means "banned forever" I'm gonna buy myself a new license and transfer my toons over before they get locked up like my other toons. RIP "M?ganfox" my warlock and my "Da?thwing" the ones I cared the most are gone I guess. Touching =/ You think wow2 account is already flagged? They're going to watch me over?
Normally I would say yes but in this case I think they are far more concerned him selling 600k once he gets unbanned.
I wouldn't sell anything, since I dont play the game to make money anyways! but thank you! I will keep appealing on wow1. And any suggestion to not get banned? I know I should be doing less than 4 hrs a day or less to be safe! before I was farming ores over 12 hrs lol. Any advanced suggestion?
Okay, well shit. Any advanced or expert tips, or advice to avoid the ban hammer? even tho they got harder these day I hear a lot....
Botting 4hours isnt too much. Using same profile for 2 hours might get you banned. I would recommand you to try randombuddy if you want to protect your investment. Sorry for your heavy loss
If you are botting for 4 year you will never back that account. Anyway you should try with that.! GL!
I had a dude to handle my main account when it got banned cuz i logged in on same ip once as my bots. OPPS. Its been active since vanilla and i never botted on it. I tried for a good month and gave up and this guy got my account back a couple weeks later. [WTS] Sephirofl - Lifetime Unban Service - 2 Years Experience
Yah thats what it sums up too pretty much. Hes real good with blizz. The letters he sent me to send were pretty well written. I mean if it was a botting account that i didnt care about i would never pay to get it unbanned. But this was my main account.