Was just in a heroic HFC run and my account was suspended....not banned but suspended for 6 months! This is the second time this has happened and there was no tripwire event! WTH is going on here!!!!! Now I literally have to wait for legion to drop to play again.....I think I'm done using bots from now on if this stuff is gunna keep happening sigh...
I have just exp the same thing. was just flying with a friend and BAM DC and message about being ban. 6 mos
Also got hit 6 month suspension. To everyone crying this is really nothing new, don't bot if u can't afford to lose the acct
I think the new minipatch + hb is the culprit. I have some bots on the old patch, and had clicked no to hb update. They are fine. All the ones on new patch 6 month detection yah
was in a dungeon 5 minutes ago im new to this whole {bots} started on Sundaythe 14th and already got me??lol funny but looks like a 6 month suspension so watch out guys.
Just got mine,but I haven't played in about 2 weeks. I only used HB to assist me with movement and singular due to my limited hand use (Carpal tunnel). Stock installation no mods. I wonder if i can petition under the handicap asisstance to get it removed?