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  • Got reported for the first time

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by jadakada, Mar 6, 2011.

    1. jadakada

      jadakada New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      So yea, got reported for the first time. It was archeology buddy that caused it because it gets stuck under tents and on the side of random objects now.

      At first people just laughed at me, then whispered me to move right to get out, called me an idiot, and finally said I was a botter and they reported me. This is really depressing. Acheology buddy used to be afkable. It didn't used to do this, but the last few releases have been really buggy.

      Not sure if I will get banned or just suspended, but I will stop botting for a while. I only use gather buddy 2 now, and only on an older version because it feels like the only thing I can afk with. The new version doesn't even want to move using converted GB1 profiles.

      I really wish the programmers could get more quality control on the product, seeing every feature of the bot deteriorate because of new bugs instead of being enhanced because of added features is disheartening. People should appreciate your hard work, but it is hard to see the fruits of your labor when new bugs keep cropping up making us ignore all the new cool stuff and nerd rage over to small bug that get introduced every release.

      Anyways, my rant is over. Moral of the story, be careful using new releases, you should test it a while before you AFK with. I didn't and will probably pay the price for it.
    2. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Lol, more than likely someone was pulling your chain. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
    3. Fkleppe2

      Fkleppe2 Banned

      Jan 29, 2011
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      They cant prove that "you" was playing like a retard?
    4. jadakada

      jadakada New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      A bunch of people were talking in /say so I assume it was pretty obvious when I didn't respond and kept moving like an idiot instead of strafing right, which a normal person would do. I haven't been banned or suspended yet, but if a GM saw what I was doing, I am sure I will get one soon.

      If you haven't seen archeology bot getting stuck, it is obvious because it repeats the exact same unstuck action that doesn't work. It doesn't even try to move in a different direction, and doesn't use the /unstuck option after a certain amount of time like a normal person would do. I saw it once get stuck under a tent and moving in a circle really fast, luckily it wasn't me but when I saw it I knew it was a botter instantly. I am not sure what it looked like to them, but the other time I got stuck on the side of something it becomes obvious after like the 5th loop of moving the exact same way, getting unstuck then stuck again over and over again and not doing anything else.

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