Hi, do you have any problems with auto mushrooms placing? I triend diffrent set-up and it doeasn't work for me. Do I need some glyph for that, or sth? At the moment I place shroom manualy.
sometimes i am getting huge framedrops (sometimes like short framefreezes), i have a i5 3,8Ghz, a GTX770 and 16 GB RAM. Without bot i have constant 60 fps, but with the cc i am getting sometimes 10-20 fps. Tried to play around with some options, but that changed nothing in frames. Beside that, your cc is the best out there, healed at garrosh mythic and i where 2nd heal under a discipline priest, 3rd heal has got 20 ilvl more then me ^^
hey Mirabis, will extra logs help, im doing something on my druid every day, and can upload logs for everything with bugs/problems/issues i have. if most everything will be fixed in the upcoming release, ill just deal with it and wait patiently. big ups for the CR, I enjoy raiding again.
Alrighty... I am doing the 5 day trial on this thing, and would like to buy it IF I can get it working correctly. It is not using Genesis, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Wild Mushroom, Nature's Cure, Tranquility. I have them all set to use, but it simply doesn't do any of them. Some help would be lovely. Log below (too big for pastebin.) http://m.uploadedit.com/b041/1414474701240.txt
Edit: I just gave it a try again for the same purposes (A raid, though Ordos instead of norm SoO,) and it definitely worked better (used Incarnation: Tree of life.)
Next release is a big update, big change, so it requires a lot of testing. Even have a entirely new testing team, thats actively reporting bugs and testing
[04:38:32.691 N] [32:691]: [Nature's Cure][Dispelling [Dps]'s [Shadow Word: Bane] + Error on Start, related to UseMount() hmm.
I think it did use dispel once. I really haven't the foggiest about the error on start (or why that would prevent mushroom use.)
[22:56:56.696 N] [Enyo] HardLock and SoftLock are both disabled - For optimal DPS/HPS I suggest enabling ONE of them. Enabe Hardlock. [22:57:00.320 D] System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: A6659D80, Size: 20 at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count) at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr) Do a fresh installation
As Mirabis Said, use Enyo BotBase and check Hardlock and uncheck Softlock. If you have a good pc with decent RAM and CPU then then set Framelock ticks per second to 100 (max). I have no problem at it with 8 GBs of ram. You have to tune the Routine settings for some fights but I use these settings (that I have attached to the post) for most of the fights and I was able to outheal a 580 pally and a 580 shammy in many fights, specially in Iron Jugg I was the top healer with a big advantage, but except the ones that you stack so hard and the pally just spams holy radiance (boy that sucks), I raid mythic but I don't see any big differences in the settings. Don't forget to add a hotkey for Reju Blanket, it's best used on Thok encounter when you can't cast at all, so you just reju and genesis, unless a pally cast HoP on you. Other fights with high movements are good examples too. BTW I unchecked Tranq and Tree Form, I manually use those because you need burst healing in some situations and the routine can't decide those. I don't recommend automating it, it's better to use it manually at the best time of the encounter. EDIT : I forgot about talents and glyphs, Warlords of Draenor Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft go Haste all you can.
HB is on a Test Release right now, as they said, there were a lot of API changes, so let's wait for Mirabis to announce an stable release. I think your problem must be because the routine has not been updated yet.
They'll possibly reset all trials (on request) when WoD hits. PS: Been working on a rework of the routine ,but it's been in beta testing for about 2-3 weeks now.... still not fully satisfied.
Glyph Sprouting ,Unglyph Efflorescence seemed to fix it on that release.. but more of a workaround than a fix.
I have sprouting glyphed and not efflorescense (actually not sure what that is anyways?) and it still won't use mushroom.... still not using dispels either (full reinstall.)