Use with GRINDBOT. I wrote this little profile to farm the flayers and ravagers in the upper portion of the Netherwing Mine. All flayers/ravagers are skinnable, and all mobs in the mine have a chance to drop a Netherwing Egg. I am running this after doing all the dailies and have found that an 85 can get several eggs per hour just from looting corpses in here, and there is a fast respawn. Also there is the rare player who comes into the mine, but usually after killing their requisite 15 flayers they leave, and they are usually 85 so they leave quickly. This will NOT turn eggs in for you, only run around inside the flayer section killing everything in sight. I *highly* recommend using the LootFilter mod as you will get a ton of grey junk and BC greens (I set LF to delete greys and yellows and added "Netherwing Egg" to the keep list). My 85 pally gets around 4-8 eggs per hour. The mobs here are level 70-71, so this would work as a good grinding profile as well, though you may just want to go to Northrend at that point... --> Start this profile inside the mine in the flayer section! (It might work starting it elsewhere but with the weird pathing in the mine, it might mess up.) I would like to add automatic turning in of X eggs, but that is far beyond my profile-writing ability... Also, I would very much like a plugin that picks up any nearby eggs on the ground, but I tried using the Netherwing Collector plugin and it regularly leaves the flayer area to get ore.... so yeah. And yes, this is my very first profile ever, so easy on the flaming. Repairs: YES Mailbox: NO Quests: NO Mobs: Levels 70-71 (Flayers, ravagers, some humanoids) View attachment [N - Grind] Netherwing Mines - Flayers for Eggs.xml
If you set LootFilter to delete all white, grey, and yellows and add the Leather and Leather scraps to the Keep list, it should work great. Let me know how it goes
OK, so it paths extremely well. Comes back around into spawn area for the flayers very intelligently without wasting time running all the way around or back to same spot. Also, wanted to point out that I started it in the "town" cause I had no idea where this place was. I say town if your maybe neutral or friendly but I am hated so it was just a bunch of mobs. Also started it from the air and it worked great. generated the path fine. Lots of little quirks that'd be cool to iron out, but I think those are GB/CC issues not the profile. LOVE IT! +rep EDIT: I wanted to point out. I killed 210 mobs in this test. I looted 2 eggs...... that seems low, but at that rate I am totally off the mount idea. I was excited about it when I started reading wowhead about them, but I never was a faction grinder. fist bump to ya'll who are!
I ran this last night for about 7 hours. I woke up to 28 eggs, 3 bags full of greens to DE, 8 stacks of cloth and a few misc grays that lootfilter missed. Job extremely well done on the profile.I tip my hat to you good sir! I'm already half way to revered. Thanks for the profile! I forgot to add one detail. If you have the egg collector plugin enabled, you will sometimes run all the way out of the mine, across the floating island, grab an egg, and head back to the tunnel to kill some more. Not a big deal to me but I just wanted to point it out.
I would say you're either SUPER unlucky or your CC was killing things really slowly (or somebody else was farming them?).
for reputation use this profile Code:
very nice profile, got me 21 eggs after 1600 kills .. ran it overnight only issue i had, was me figuring out how i could make lootfilter actually only loot the eggs.. or mr.itemremover, remove all greys :S (didnt work) so i only had 1 bag slot left, so ofcourse.. the bot had just killed a ton of mobs with 1 bag slot without looting them :S
Hello, Im using this profile and it works really good, But why do the Daily Quests NPC gets attack-able and when they are that, i can?t Take/Open "Herb" think on the ground. Fast Response pls!!