Which one do you think is more efficient: 1. A grind profile giving me about 180,000 EP in Hyjal 2. A Gather Profile (Dont know the EP average) Despite the fact that Gather profile also gives me Gold. I am level 81 atm. If you know a useful Gathering profile for this level range, please attach it
This is simple.. whats more valuable... Getting your toon leveled fast? or getting your toon leveled AND making gold/getting mats? If you want to level to 85 the fastest.. simple grind and have it pickup any unspecting herb/mine/leather along the way. If you want to get rich and not worry about breaking the Lvl 85 sound barrier by tomorrow.. then do the gathering. But enable Loot Mobs and get something like Loot Filter and have it delete greys. I know some greys are worth a few gold, but its trash considering your mission and this way you will keep any greens/blues that might pop up with the rare mob you kill while gathering. Remember... Common sense is a huge factor in botting.... << LIGHT BULB >>
But how many xp/h are the gathering profiles for that level? (Stopped with wow 2 days before Cataclysm)
Well ya know the easiest way to do this is to TRY A PROFILE YOURSELF. Again, I refere to my previous answer.. its STUPID SIMPLE!!!!!!!