I am trying to create a profile that will grind certain mobs for a BOP crafting recipe. Can this be created in a GrindBot profile or does it need to me Questing? I tried doing something like <If Condition="!HasItem(blah)"> <GrindTo Condition=HasItem(blah)"> and then set up a grind area and tell it which mobs to grind. I am pretty new at doing my own profiles so if anyone could give me a quick example of how to do this, that would be so great
id be happy to work on this for you if you want to pm me the info grind area recipe youre wanting to loot etc
it's questing grinding only grinds to levels Code: <!-- Heart of Mokk / Gorilla Fang Quest --> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Factions>28 16 48 72</Factions> <!-- [Troll, Monster (ie: cats, Zanzil), Raptor, Gorilla] --> <TargetMinLevel>30</TargetMinLevel> <TargetMaxLevel>35</TargetMaxLevel> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-13813.25" Y="93.49027" Z="26.99422" /> <Hotspot X="-13854.97" Y="110.5135" Z="17.35789" /> <Hotspot X="-13878.33" Y="64.24706" Z="16.15997" /> <Hotspot X="-13916.53" Y="90.68429" Z="14.70266" /> <Hotspot X="-13958.54" Y="79.27751" Z="16.76558" /> <Hotspot X="-13958" Y="134.17" Z="13.38363" /> <Hotspot X="-13991.61" Y="161.5431" Z="13.21219" /> <Hotspot X="-14043.1" Y="133.2648" Z="11.27847" /> <Hotspot X="-14071.26" Y="174.502" Z="11.93576" /> <Hotspot X="-14065.82" Y="207.7571" Z="14.60054" /> <Hotspot X="-14018.11" Y="204.2136" Z="12.68127" /> <Hotspot X="-14000.44" Y="165.2755" Z="13.71375" /> <Hotspot X="-13942.46" Y="76.67322" Z="16.04244" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="HasItem(2799)" /> <!-- 1 --> This gets the Heart of Mokk from STV
How can you change the condition to Grind for a specific amount of an Item (i.e. until you have 20x Felblight in your bags)?
Hi, Hatemf, My what a necro! But the answer to your question is: <GrindUntil Condition="GetItemCount(127759) >= 20" /> cheers, chinajade