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  • GrindBot - Phased areas, Flying mounts & others inprovements

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Pierrox, Apr 15, 2014.

    1. Pierrox

      Pierrox New Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      Hello everyone,

      I am writing some profiles wand I want to improve them to share on the forums but I'm facing some problems :

      1 - In all my profiles (GrindBot base), the bot doesn't use the flying mounts and use a ground mount to go sell/repair/mail instead. Is it normal ? Do you have any solution to solve this problem ?

      2 - I wrote a profile (GrindBot base) in a phased area (West or the Twilight Highlands), everything is working great until it needs to go to the mailbox at the horde camp in the center of this zone, when it comes back the bot take the fly and use the ground mount to go back to the grinding area but 10 seconds before being back it just stops, nothing in the logs, the bot isn't really Stopped (I can manually press the stop button) but it doesn't move anymore.
      There is several solution to solve this problem :
      - Use the flying mount to go to the mailbox and come back (I'd love to be able to do that)
      - Forbid the bot to use the masters of flights NPC (crappy solution but could work)
      - A solution I didn't think about :)

      3 - I can't find any "User manual" for profile/plugin writing, will the wiki be offline for long ? Anyone has a knowledge DB available somewhere ?

      Thank you for reading me.


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