Hello! I know this is probably not the right subcategory, but i didn't know which else to choose. I've just bought a level 21 guild with a few members, and i am already expanding rapidly. I bought the guild in the believe that i would have a way smaller chance of getting caught in my materialbotting. I'm currently using an SoR account to farm herbs and ores, and then just depositing them to the active guildbank from the botting account. Then i'll withdraw them on my main-account (which is the guildleader) and sell them, and deposit the gold to the guildbank again. Does this actually make it less likely for my main-account to get banned for abusing game economy?
If you sell your gold to somebody else, you will get banned sooner or later no matter however u disguise it. If you dont sell gold and u only farm for ur personal needs in game, you will get banned if u piss another botter off and if u get reported by him/her. So you always have a risk to get banned,
This is what i do, and have done for nearly 3 months now, though im not selling my gold, and have no intention to. Though keep in mind, blizzard tend to bann SoR accounts with no mercy
I'm not selling mine either And i don't care a whole lot about the SoR account, i'll just get a new one when it gets banned. The only one i want to protect as much as possible is my main account :-D
You should be rather safe, but botting never will be 100% safe through the guild is a good way to get private buyers btw
Private buyers? Englighten me, please! I'm rather new to this community, and i don't know a whole lot of different methods to get rid of gold :-D
Hehe i haven't got alot of experience getting "rid" of gold , though i think you mean the materials, You can for an example announce in the guild chat, if any of your guild members needs any of the materials in your bank. You will be suprised how many people buy mats in bulks, for Prospecting/Milling, So lets say you can get 60g a stack at ah, offer them 50g a stack. That way you wont have to deal with AH , and will be able to sell larger amount of materials ( Hence people are talking about flooding the AH with mats can get your acc Flagged for a ban ), meaning CoD or face trades with mats should be safer. but again no1 can tell for sure. Better safe than sorry, )
True that! I'll note your idea, and i'll definitely try this out when i get a few more members. Thank you!