I have been searching for the thread that show how to do guildbank deposits, but I cant find it. Anyone able to help?
<THIS IS IF YOU ARE HORDE> You need to first complete Sauranok Will Point the Way/unfamiliar waters from orgrimmar, leading on to a few quests in Azhara, culminating in a zeplin ride to Twilight Highlands where Krogg will now be available. start at Sauranok Will Point the Way onto Ready the Ground Troops, Ready the Navy, Ready The Air Force leading to Twilight Skies after some quests chains (5-6 quests i think) a portal will be created in a house that will take you to Orgri and back! hope this help you
starts in stormwind. After a small chain you will fly out to TH. You will do a few more quests then it will be opened up.
try this one for Alliance. (dont know where it will take you after)http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26960 Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands! - Quest - World of Warcraft