ive been having a ton of issues with HB overall lately, with arch buddy ive had to blacklist 4 different sites due to the bot just flying in circles and suprise its happening again on another digsite, well atleast im hoping i dont have to black list this one too if this keeps up im gunna have no more digsites, just saw there is a new version on HB im guessing thats my issue? am i gunna have to blacklist this aswell or is it a cc issue?
Hmhm, no bot is 100% afk-able, so try babysitting or use a monitoring plugin like buddycenter where you can change the bot you're using, so when you see its stuck for a while you can start pvp/bg bot for a while and then restart arch. This is just what I'm doing.
now if i can get someone to help that actually knows how to read a log, you sir were absolutely no help xD
it seems like the bot was trying to go after a dig site on a different continent which is odd because hell we cannot even see through our maps which digsites are available on a different continent then we currently are on. so I would def say this is a Arch buddy issue but try this try running a blank profile instead of a questing profile and see if that somehow clears the issue up.
1) when you are asking for assistance, it helps if you aren't rude to ppl that reply 2) I took a quick look at your log and closed it when I saw that you are still including personal info in your directory paths 3) Yes, AB will sometimes go and try to fly off-continent... have had that happen every now and then. I generally hearth it back to a location away from where it is and then restart it.
If that's not his name (or nick) - which I wasn't going to post in here in case it was, then he isn't including personal info. I have no idea whether it is or isn't - it certainly looks like a name to me.