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  • Guys, help me please.

    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by Gilberts, Aug 10, 2015.

    1. Gilberts

      Gilberts New Member

      Aug 7, 2015
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      Hello guys how much , I live in Ukraine and more than 6 years to earn money for life in MMORPG games , basically Russian MMO due to the devaluation of Russian ruble lost earnings . If you do not mind , share your experience in any games at Highest European and American servers can earn money for a living, how much у.е or EURO ? . PS sorry for my English
    2. Kabeewm

      Kabeewm Member

      Jul 2, 2013
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      Hello man!

      Well, I dont understand all that you're sayin but I do understand the generalthing, as in you want to make some cash of playin/botting some MMO's.
      Sure, this is all duable, for sure. The thing is, if you want to make any good and stable income from this, you'll need an army of bots, at least thats how I see it.

      I myself, is just using these for personal use, as in I do not sell the credits that I farm. I just try to enjoy the game as much as I can, extra credits/gold/whatevvah in game is always nice.

      But as far as SWTOR goes, I dont think its worth farm that much in this game as its a bit of a problem running more then 1 bot, its possible for sure to run more, as many on this
      forum has proven for me with all the helping threads in my post.

      But, you do ask about the best MMO to actaully make some bucks in, I'd say WoW these days.. A new expansion is on its way, and many will come back to the game then (I'm one of them).
      Its very easy to bot in WoW too, I've done it a few years now, easy to run a few bots too as Blizzard dont have the limit-client on thier games.

      I hope this helped you somewhat at least.
      Have a good one bud and good luck!

      // Kabeewm.
    3. Gilberts

      Gilberts New Member

      Aug 7, 2015
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