I couldn't find a Horde Argent Tournament profile, and saw some requests for Kickazz006's Alliance profile to be converted, so I'm trying to do that. Please note: this is my first attempt at making (modifying) a profile, so it's anything but perfect... there are a few things you need to do manually, but it should pop-up a message box telling you what to do. Just keep an eye on things and intervene when stuff doesn't work properly. This profile gets you started on the Argent Tournament grounds, and earning "Aspirant's Seals" towards Up To The Challenge (so only for people who haven't already done these quests). Some of the "daily" quests you'll have to do yourself. I've just finished "Up To The Challenge", so aren't able to work on this profile anymore as I'm no longer given the quests. If anyone would like to improve upon this profile, please do, otherwise I'll continue working on it when I have another level 80+. The majority of this profile is Kickazz006's work, I just changed some IDs and locations.
This profile is working for player's never done quests here before, just i try test on my character have done all quest and profile dont check quests i have done and change to the other's he stand in front of npc start quests and try get start quests so try fix it for profile check if the character have done quests here before and get new quests for characters have done.
Yeah, I've only started doing the quests, so these aren't the "Champion" (or whatever) dailies - when I'll get there, I'll convert those profiles of Kickazz006's (I can't test them, until I'm there)
Ok when u got all quests msg me and i can test for you because i think some here want to do this quests to get mounts and pet's have there then i test it for you i have some character's i can test that.
Does this not do the other dailies too? The ones in the other hut once you've completed the 25 seals to become a Valiant one?