Hi Guys, I was looking forward to find private buyers, so i thought of buying a normal account for 9 usd with 1 month playing time, and just fill the trade channel with my skype addy for ppl who want to buy gold. i would to that until i get banned. But I want to know if there is any risk for my other accounts, such as an IP bann?!
Generally not, Blizzard itself says they don't do stuff like that, but I wouldn't trust them. I bet one day they're sick of this shit and ban you completely. So you should use a proxy and use a second wow folder.
US, DE? You should use a free VPN like cyberghostvpn.com just google a little. There are bloody huge list of VPN's even they log or not doesn't matter in this kind of situation since you just need to hide your IP in order that Blizzard can't hunt you down.