This message popped up when I started HB on my new druid I'm level 24 at the moment. Does this mean blizzard knows we are using HB?? am I going to get banned? what does this message mean? Code: Message: [string "Hax.lua"]:1: attempt to index global 'LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW' (a nil value) Time: 02/23/12 16:24:30 Count: 1 Stack: [C]: ? [string "Hax.lua"]:1: in main chunk Locals: This time with all add-ons disabled. Code: Message: [string "Hax.lua"]:1: attempt to index global 'LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW' (a nil value) Time: 02/23/12 16:43:19 Count: 1 Stack: [string "Hax.lua"]:1: in main chunk Locals: (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "OnEvent" (*temporary) = <function> defined Hax.lua:1 (*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW' (a nil value)"
Its nothing to worry about. It usually happens after you DC and got nothing to do with blizzard nor their ability to track us
Like stated in the other Thread, nothing to worry about. The name of this failure could be anything else, bad luck its called hax.