hello mate need help [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Random dungeon is completed. Will leave in 38 seconds moving to Distance: 18 moving to Distance: 21 cast Rejuvenation Distance: 16 cast Wild Growth Distance: 6 [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]ungeon run is over. Teleporting out. Not in game [ReLogger] Stopping Bot Not in game [ReLogger] Restarting Bot [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Waiting for Dungeon Cooldown to end the dungeon was not end...?
hey i was wondering if u could make a few modifications this cc runs nicely but it wont work in the new ZG and ZA instances. it always casts healing touch when the tank is at 30% hp so basically he always dies from spike damage also it never uses tree of life UNLESS you, yourself, are a low hp and as someone said, it uses innervate out of combat a lot of the time or casts it on the player ur targeting great otherwse
can u change a lot of things about pvp? it always wants to cast healing touch which is the worst spell u could use in pvp a suggestion would be :make sure lowest hp target in range has lifebloom, wildgrowth, rejuv then only resort to regrowth when all of those are complete
Also any chance it could be modified to use Remove Corruption, im always finding myself having to manually remove debuffs. other than that good cc
Finally I am back online. Only took Sky 6 weeks to sort out my new internet connection out after moving into my new apartment What did I miss? Anything interesting?
Welcome back! nah you didnt miss much, a few new cc and profile devs, the Riftbot had a huge banwave thats about it really, AND woot your back just in time for firelands!, im sure it will require you to tweak your cc
Haz are you going to try and make a raid setup or does the dungeon work fine? Just curious to see if you have any plans for a raid setup
If you use the LazyRaid plugin the CC works really well with the plugin for raids. I use it myself all the time and have no issues.
Yea I asked that because I was having troubles with your CC and it wasn't healin and only spamming wild growth. I restarted HB and it started working
projektt, I know that in the ultimatepaladinhealer cc tread the author Gilderoy said that there is an issue with cleansing for everyone due to a change made in the newest version of HB. Not sure exactly what is going on but I would guess that this isn't a cc issue. Also I could be wrong so you may want to check out the last few pages of post in the UlimatePaladinHealer thread.
hazz your cc has NOTHING to do with the roll for loot crap does it ? cause with lazzyraid it rolls for loot it self and when i run it with wowsham then i need to loot (greed-need-disenchant) that what i mean with looting thnx
Can you explain to me which mode to use this in? I want to play it by hand but in IB it controls it and in lazyraider it seems like it waits till the tank is half life till it heals.
nvm i read the first post lol but I have to vent a little bit. This lacks healing really badly. It waits WAAAAY too long to heal. all dots will be on tank but waits till tank is about 40% health left before even trying to re heal and usually ends up dying especially in zul'gurub and zul'aman
just disable movement projektt in wowsham and it works like a charm for me even in ZG and ZA i even do the fireland trash with it