Please keep in mind that I will not be updating this CC anymore, not even bugfix. I don't have a Resto Druid anymore and I don't intend to have any in the near future. When it breaks, you get to keep the pieces. I decided to take the matter in my hands and tweak the hell out of Hazard's Resto CC... Download Link: ?Click Here? (or right click -> save as) Features: Casts pretty much all spells! Has some sort of basic self-defense Even pew-pews a bit when it gets bored! Known Issues: Spaghetti-code is a mess! Needs shitloads more testing Need to fix the diminishing returns on cyclone/entangling roots Priority list is not exactly as I want it to be, yet. Expect improvement soon. Although I only tested this in BG Bot, I see no reason why it shouldn't work in PvP Bot, too. But if it breaks, you get to keep the pieces. This is designed only for level 85 BG Healing! It might work (shitty) for lower levels, but don't complain about it. I don't have a low level druid and I don't plan on leveling a new one any time soon. Suggestions and all kind of reports are welcomed. Original credits to hazard for his HazzDruidPvP. Changelog: Code: [COLOR="gray"]v001[/COLOR]: Initial Release [COLOR="gray"]v002[/COLOR]: Fixed an issue with trying to War Stomp friendly players [COLOR="gray"]v003[/COLOR]: Fixed not casting Rejuvenation/Regrowth when another druid was healing the same target [COLOR="gray"]v004...006[/COLOR]: Fixed Wild Growth, although logic is still stupid. [COLOR="gray"]v004...006[/COLOR]: Think I fixed Cyclone-running-away, too. [COLOR="gray"]v004...006[/COLOR]: Your current heal target will be focused now. [COLOR="gray"]v004...006[/COLOR]: Added Rest behavior. [COLOR="gray"]v007[/COLOR]: Small bugfix attempt [COLOR="gray"]v008[/COLOR]: More changes [COLOR="gray"]v009[/COLOR]: Tweaks and stuff [COLOR="gray"]v010[/COLOR]: Fixed some targeting code [COLOR="gray"]v011[/COLOR]: Added some basic code for LazyRaider support [COLOR="gray"]v012[/COLOR]: Will automatically get food from Refreshment Tables from mages in the Preparation stage of a battleground, so we don't run out of food. Tweaked the Rest() behaviors a bit, still needs some work. [COLOR="gray"]v016[/COLOR]: Fixed the SoTA bug and other stuff which I completely forgot to document... [COLOR="gray"]v017[/COLOR]: oopsie... infinite loop :-(
I'm still in pretty bad gear, but it seems right now if someone is barely losing health it will hit a rejuv and regrowth on them. I'm playing with some of the values to see if they work any better lowered. Thank you for starting this up!
Yes, well, mana is not really an issue in Battlegrounds... So I didn't spare an. Especially since players tend to go down fast when being attacked. This way I'm actually topping the meters
The CC is working well. Keep up the great work. Can you look at the logic for the following items? - Can you add an option to use Wild Growth? - Can you add an option to drink? - It casts Wrath sometimes when it should be healing and I see this in the HB window as well "[HazzPVP] Insect Swarm on 0 Paladin" and "[HazzPVP] Moonfire on 0 Paladin" as it is trying to attack. - It does not move away from players when it cyclones -> like cyclone, run away or shift form and run away a few yards. It will just stand next to them and when they come out of clone it tries again because they are too close to me. - It will sometimes get in a cyclone loop casting 4 or 5 times. - It should not cast Innervate on itself out of combat, Innervate should be used in combat only and drinking once the fighting is over -> for instance, we fight for a few minutes at a base and when the fight is over my Mana is down to 30%, it currently casts Innervate on myself instead of drinking now that there is a lul in the fighting. I have been using it for about 10 games now and I like it. I will try and post a log later if you need one.
Seems to use tree of life a little late, alot of times he just pops it and falls over. Also noticed the cyclone spam loop that madwolf saw. Another odd behavior that I saw was attempting to cast wrath when not facing the target, Looked like it might have been a warrior that jumped behind him that caused it.
Wild Growth logic is there, altough it's really stupid. Will try to see if I can make out something smarter. I will add the rest behaviour for food/water. Possibly even clicking mage food table. Thanks for the sugestion with the travel form. It should, in theory, run away from the cyclooned people. I'm curious - did you use v003 when you noticed the cycloon loop or a previous version?
A couple of issues: If you don't have any water, it will still try to drink and cause your character to stop and go... stop and go. (Not a big issue, but in case anyone else wonders why it's stopping your toon.) Any way to get it not dismount to heal? Jumping off the cliff in EotS and it dismounts me every time when people land.
I thought about adding that in EoTS, but then it will never heal if mounted, which could be a problem. I'll think about it.
I kept hearing it trying to spam a spell and checked the debug. Had an emeny pally behind me and it was going crazy spamming this: [1:38:42 PM:607] Spell_C::CastSpell(5570, 0, 0xF13081C300000011, 0) [213] [1:38:42 PM:909] Spell_C::CastSpell(5570, 0, 0xF13081C300000011, 0) [214] [1:38:43 PM:075] Spell_C::CastSpell(5570, 0, 0xF13081C300000011, 0) [215]
It's working pretty well for me. Only thing I notice is sometimes when it should be healing someone it keeps running around trying to cast something and getting the invalid target error. I'll look into what it's trying to cast and report a little more later.
Used it for a good 5hrs+, and I must say excellent work znuffie. My only minor complain(and I do understand this is an early version) is I think you should add some kind of config to stop the CC from controlling movement, I love to manually control the bot sometimes for added randomness and that feature would be awesome. Maybe auto detect when the bot is using combat bot, or lazyraider.
Only thing I'm noticing about the new version 0009 is that while healing, my char will randomly go into cat form and run out of range even if not taking any damage. Will then run back and be behind in healing.