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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Profile: [Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: The Runic Prophecies - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Better landing Point Handling. Otherwise it sometime Stucks.
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: The Runic Prophecies - Quest - World of Warcraft
Descirption: Remove Quest Override + Changed InteractWith to Objective Type="UseObject"

Hi, MaxMuster,

We went with a slightly different stop-start friendly change that looks like this:

<While Condition="HasQuest(12058) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(12058)">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12058" QuestObjectiveIndex="3"
MobId="188289" CollectionDistance="10"
X="4952.656" Y="-4705.741" Z="219.8488" />​
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12058" QuestObjectiveIndex="1"
MobId="188264" CollectionDistance="10"
X="5007.675" Y="-4734.232" Z="219.4391" />​
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12058" QuestObjectiveIndex="2"
MobId="188288" CollectionDistance="10"
X="5006.924" Y="-4790.667" Z="219.4593" />​
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="12058" WaitTime="10000"
GoalText="Waiting for quest to complete {TimeRemaining}" />​

We did this such that the Alliance-side and Horde-side quest would have the same (simplified, but stop-start friendly) profile code. If you feel that this was the wrong approach, please let us know.

The changes are folded into v3046.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371408]MaxMuster's Horde problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371413]MaxMuster's Alliance problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
There is still problem in a quest what I fixed. Someone repaired it bad.

Check the screen Screenshot by Lightshot

Hi again, John1337,

We thank you for double-checking the work.

From your screenshot, it appears that the disagreement is in the name of the quest to be turned in. In the pane showing "Theirs", we have the quest name as "Learning the Word". In the pane showing "mine", you have the quest name as "Healing the Wounded".

Looking up Quest Id 26919 on WoWhead yields this: Learning the Word - Quest - World of Warcraft

We believe the changes in the repository are correct as is. Are we somehow missing your point?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371495]John1337's follow-up problem report w/screenshot[/post][/size]
<Vendor Name="Ikuti" Entry="18008" Type="Repair" X="1024.031" Y="7366.399" Z="36.33611" /> , keeps clicking on and off

Hi, Zeppse7en,

If you need assistance, please attach your full log so we can analyze the problem.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Ikuti is not a vendor in the Alliance or Horde BC profiles. Our guess is that your profiles are horribly out-of-date, or you have edited them in the past, and forgotten about it.

I have a problem. My bot makes quests in strange way - attacks any creature it encounters, goes in strange places when it has completed quests (instead of turning them in)...
Attaching log of this behaviour.

Hi, Ought, and thank you for the log!

Toon: 26.4 Pandaren Hunter (Female, Horde)

[21:10:00.177 D] Goal: Grinding to level 27

It looks like the profile is functioning correctly. Your toon is 26.4, and it wants to grind to 27 before proceeding. This article should explain further:
[post=1067373]HelpDesk: Grinding while executing a Questing profile[/post]

And, just to be safe, let's make certain your caches are not corrupt. This article will help you clear them:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371614]Ought's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Quest: Just the Tip - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Fixed a Bug where the Char Fly Between the Hotspots and not Dismount to Kill the Required Mob.

Hi, MaxMuster,

We made the refinements you suggested in v3048.

However, the second refinement is very disturbing. I would've expected to see something like:

<Objective QuestName="Just the Tip" QuestId="27176" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60865"
CollectCount="1" X="-9277.324" Y="-1760.133" Z="67.87192" Nav="Fly" />​

Are you saying that Nav="Fly" does not work for this (or possibly other) <Objective>s? If so, we need to submit a bug report against this.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371645]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
View attachment 116452
Got this while questing in Mudsprocket, says it's broken and needs to be repaired.

Hi, Kandiman, and many thanks for the log.

Indeedy, The Grimtotem Weapon - Quest - World of Warcraft is on our [post=1260127]Known Bugs List: Classic 1-58[/post]. For now, please do the quest manually, turn it in, and start Honorbuddy again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371692]Kandiman's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, but are there any plans to update the vashj leveling profile so that it works again? I didn't know it existed until this morning and when i tried to use it, it didn't seem to be able to do alot, i can give a log if it's meant to be working, i'm just assuming it's not as it's abit hidden away from the other pofiles.
Profile: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]
Quest: In A Dark Corner - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: The Toons stands at the Pile of Scraps in the Rotting Orchard but doesn't interact with it. I clicked on in myself.

Hi, Avalarion23, and many thanks for the log.

[21:02:19.497 D] Goal: Kill Verrottender Schrecken x 8
[21:02:26.434 D] [Sharp Messenger] Reading location failed with 'System.Exception: Nur ein Teil der ReadProcessMemory- oder WriteProcessMemory-Anforderung wurde abgeschlossen, at addr: 6C6C69F3, Size: 4
bei GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
[21:02:27.015 N] Not in game

Your log shows you were performing the objective for The Night Watch - Quest - World of Warcraft of killing 8 "Rotting Horrors". Then one of your plugins started having problems with communicating with the WoWclient which caused the crash.

This log does not show you getting to the objective of In A Dark Corner - Quest - World of Warcraft, yet.

I'd try disabling the Sharp Messenger plugin if the problem persists.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371745]Avalarion23's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Kicks questing names on the scripts are not correct.
When running kun lai summit 87-88
It says it's grinding to 87.5 why is this
Thank you.

Hi, Benh1337,

The profile names were correct for the way Bliz originally designed the zones. Since then, Bliz has bumped the zone experience a couple of times in patches. We do not go back and rename the scripts when this happens, since the profiles auto-chain from one to another. To do so would lead to unnecessary maintenance.

As far as grinding, you may find this article informative:
[post=1067373]HelpDesk: Grinding while executing a Questing profile[/post]

View attachment 116479Ok First want to start with what a great profile I have been leveling my monk since level 1 and am 82. I am now having a problem. At level 80 as soon as I got to the Cata content it has stopped working just stays on Hold. I have tried deleting the cache's and reinstalling also I am up to date with the lates Kick profile. Please help!!! I am attaching my log.

Hi, Darteagqa, and many thanks for the log.

This looks like a problem with your Combat Routine. It doesn't appear to be finishing its initialization properly.

Go back to Singular, and you should be golden.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371816]Darteagga's original post w/log[/post][/size]
In the quest, Prophet Khar'zul, the toon keeps stepping off the table, and trying to get back on it, and keeps getting killed. Sorry for the very long log.

Hi again, Daarno,

[20:14:25.278 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9096.487 started.
[20:14:25.279 Q] This is a BETA build of Honorbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
[20:14:25.279 Q] This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!​
Once again, we do not accept reports from Beta. Beta is not ready for prime-time; otherwise, it would've already been promoted to a "Release".

For problems just like this:
[04:39:25.055 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.UtilityBehaviorPS.MoveTo.<CreateChildren>b__91(Object context) in d:\DATA\paladin\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\Movement.cs:line 136
at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)

There is obviously a bug in Beta regarding movement that is causing your issue.

Once again, I will point you to the explanation here: [post=1259961]Things To Know[/post].

And any further posts you make here regarding a Beta release will be immediately archived.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1371864]Daarno's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Same issue here. :(

Hi, Chunky, and welcome aboard!

We've no way to analyze your problem, unless you attach the full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

If two mobs are fighting each other and bot gets somehow in combat, it will not take any actions, will not move on, attack the mob/s that is keeping him in combat but will freeze itself and stand next to them untill they kill each other and gets out of combat and only then will move on. Since this mob fights never ends it will stay there all the time untill manualy kill the mob or get far away from them. This happened with every single mob fighting each other group from low to high lvl and i would always find him next to the mobs or if i am next to a pc will have to manualy get out of combat.


The quest Thunder Stones is seriously bugged. The toon keeps going back and forth in the same place. I finished each phase of the quest (sealing different parts like the armory, the inn...), and restarted the HB, only to see the toon start its psychotic behavior. This is really a danger for anyone not attending his bot. This problem is new since the update of the deepholme profile.

Hi, Daarno, and thanks for the log.

[09:18:36.087 D] Goal: SealingTheWay-vUnknown: ""Sealing the Way" (http://wowhead.com/quest=26501)"
[Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-83 [Kick]($Rev: 3042 $)" @line 1369]

Aye, the "Sealing the Way" behavior was damaged by the Honorbuddy re-architecture earlier last month, and it has yet to be repaired. This issue is on the [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].

For now, please do the quest manually, turn it in, and start Honorbuddy again.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372014]Daarno's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick].xml
Quest: The Great Water Hunt - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Toon talks to Mudmug, heads out to collect water, when it has collected 20, it heads back to the starting point and stands there. "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'"

Hi, Slite62, and many thanks for the log.

Indeed, this is bug report #HB-282, that should be repaired in the next Honorbuddy drop. You can find more information about it in [post=1370384]this post[/post].

For now, your only work-around is to complete the quest manually, turn it in, then start Honorbuddy again.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372025]Slite62's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
i keep getting banned while using kicks quest profiles its getting worse when ever i quest manually with hb tyrael im fine but when ever i use quest profile im banned within a few days im done with questbotting for now.
Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, but are there any plans to update the vashj leveling profile so that it works again? I didn't know it existed until this morning and when i tried to use it, it didn't seem to be able to do alot, i can give a log if it's meant to be working, i'm just assuming it's not as it's abit hidden away from the other pofiles.

Hi, Snowa,

I recall many many moons ago, an incredibly industrious Community member made a working Vashj'ir profile. However, that profile wasn't Kick's--Kick's has never worked in Vashj'ir to my knowledge. I believe it just gets you to the point of getting the Seahorse mount.

I *wish* I could locate that profile of old--it was simply amazing. But, the couple of times I've gone digging through the forums, I've never been able to locate it.

The problem with Vashj'ir is that Honorbuddy will not navigate underwater (the profile was written pre-Flightor, Honorbuddy's flying navigator). The industrious soul had painstakingly used click-to-move to complete all the quests, and it worked very seamlessly as I recall. It was truly a work of art, and I'm very sorry I don't recall the author's name, and can no longer locate that profile.

If two mobs are fighting each other and bot gets somehow in combat, it will not take any actions, will not move on, attack the mob/s that is keeping him in combat but will freeze itself and stand next to them untill they kill each other and gets out of combat and only then will move on. Since this mob fights never ends it will stay there all the time untill manualy kill the mob or get far away from them. This happened with every single mob fighting each other group from low to high lvl and i would always find him next to the mobs or if i am next to a pc will have to manualy get out of combat.

Hi, Hoper, and many thanks for the log.

The problem is not with the profile. But... please go back to Singular, and your problems should go away.

Many combat routines (especially PvP ones) do not handle the PvE environment well. Singular notices when the WoWclient has placed the toon in combat, but no NPC is attacking it, and allows Honorbuddy to go back about its business.

There are further improvements in this area that should be made available in upcoming Honorbuddy drops. However, a mis-behaving combat routine will still cause problems.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1372135]Hoper's original post w/log[/post][/size]