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  • HB BG port - Error

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by MetaCry, Jan 12, 2011.

    1. MetaCry

      MetaCry New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      Greetings my fellow companions, it is I, MetaCry.
      You probably wonder, how you may aid me in my journey.

      I have faced yet another problem with this bot, honorbuddy.
      It is, when it gets a BG and waits to accept the port to the BG (it usually waits 7-8 sec) but if an EVIL NPC encounters my toon, the bot just.... stands there :( and does nothing and it can't accept the port beacuse of "in combat".

      Is there any fix/will this be fixed in next patch?/whatever.

      // Best regards, mighty MetaCry.

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