Hallo, ich habe mir gerade HB gekauft und auch soweit schein alles gut (kampfprofil f?r schamy enh. habe ich geladen und nach anleitung eingebracht) nun wollte ich den bot gerade zum farmen verwenden (GB2) und dann taucht immer folgendes auf. [19:43:50:296] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. bei BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.GrabFrame() bei Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Start() bei Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start() [19:43:50:296] Stop called! Voller log: [19:42:44:625] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. bei BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute() bei Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.GetObjectName() [19:42:49:125] Using WoW with process ID 2432 [19:42:49:125] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 [19:42:49:125] Executable Path: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\Desktop\HB2\Honorbuddy.exe [19:42:52:453] H: D6-D5-DD-AE-C7-9B-96-0D-89-FD-70-6B-24-CD-37-BB-03-E9-EE-32 [19:42:52:453] V: [19:42:52:468] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\HonorbuddyMeshes [19:42:52:468] KillBetweenHotspots: True [19:42:52:468] AdvancedSettingsMode: False [19:42:52:468] LogoutForInactivity: True [19:42:52:468] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10 [19:42:52:468] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [19:42:52:468] ProfileDebuggingMode: False [19:42:52:468] FoodAmount: 0 [19:42:52:468] DrinkAmount: 0 [19:42:52:468] FormLocationX: 20 [19:42:52:468] FormLocationY: 20 [19:42:52:468] FormWidth: 396 [19:42:52:468] FormHeight: 302 [19:42:52:468] SelectedBotIndex: 2 [19:42:52:468] UseFlightPaths: False [19:42:52:468] FindMountAutomatically: True [19:42:52:468] UseRandomMount: True [19:42:52:468] FoodName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] DrinkName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] MountName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] FlyingMountName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] LootMobs: True [19:42:52:468] SkinMobs: False [19:42:52:468] NinjaSkin: False [19:42:52:468] LootChests: True [19:42:52:468] HarvestMinerals: False [19:42:52:468] HarvestHerbs: False [19:42:52:468] UseMount: True [19:42:52:468] PullDistance: 45 [19:42:52:468] LootRadius: 45 [19:42:52:468] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [19:42:52:468] TrainNewSkills: False [19:42:52:468] LearnFlightPaths: True [19:42:52:468] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] MountDistance: 75 [19:42:52:468] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [19:42:52:468] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [19:42:52:468] FoodAmount: 0 [19:42:52:468] DrinkAmount: 0 [19:42:52:468] FormLocationX: 20 [19:42:52:468] FormLocationY: 20 [19:42:52:468] SelectedBotIndex: 2 [19:42:52:468] UseFlightPaths: False [19:42:52:468] FindMountAutomatically: True [19:42:52:468] UseRandomMount: True [19:42:52:468] FoodName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] DrinkName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] MountName has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] LootMobs: True [19:42:52:468] SkinMobs: False [19:42:52:468] NinjaSkin: False [19:42:52:468] LootChests: True [19:42:52:468] HarvestMinerals: False [19:42:52:468] HarvestHerbs: False [19:42:52:468] UseMount: True [19:42:52:468] PullDistance: 45 [19:42:52:468] LootRadius: 45 [19:42:52:468] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [19:42:52:468] TrainNewSkills: False [19:42:52:468] LearnFlightPaths: True [19:42:52:468] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [19:42:52:468] MountDistance: 75 [19:42:52:468] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [19:42:52:468] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung. [19:42:52:468] Aktivit?t: Lade: Speicherverwaltung & Speichertabellen [19:42:52:500] Aktivit?t: Lade: Zauber [19:42:52:578] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Zauberverwaltung [19:42:52:593] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Plugins [19:42:52:625] [19:43:03:390] Could not construct instance of AutoEquip! Exception was thrown. Exception: [19:43:03:390] Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. [19:43:03:750] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Navigation [19:43:03:921] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Blackspot Verwaltung [19:43:03:937] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Schlachtfelder [19:43:03:937] Aktivit?t: Inizialisierung: Flugrounten [19:43:13:937] Exception in DoString: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. StackTrace: bei BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute() bei Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.DoString(String lua, String luaFile, UInt32 pState) [19:43:23:937] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung: Routinen [19:43:23:953] Compiling C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\Desktop\HB2\CustomClasses\Config [19:43:23:968] Compiling C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\Desktop\HB2\CustomClasses\ShamWOW [19:43:25:000] Compiling C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\Desktop\HB2\CustomClasses\Singular [19:43:26:187] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung abgeschlossen [19:43:26:187] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung von Honorbuddy abgeschlossen [19:43:50:296] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. bei BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.GrabFrame() bei Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Start() bei Honorbuddy.MainWindow.Start() [19:43:50:296] Stop called!