Don't know if this topic has been brought up before or not. What if we were to open our own little buy/sell market right here. If it was required to have a paid sub. to HB/GB it'd be a great way for gold sellers to make a few extra bucks rather than selling to a resale website, and buyers save a bit of money rather than buying from that website. It'd be nice for accounts and such too. Discuss?
From all the other post's, we can't trade/sell/buy on these forums, however you can give reviews of Gold selling sites, int he respected thread.
Takes away business from sites which are set to deal with such things, and to much more work for the people who run Hb/Gb, its a whole other can of worms.Imo
Just as well, I think it's something to do with legal issues with Blizzard, and how their cracking down on those types of sites. My hypothesis on this.
Could lead to scamming and then a bad rep for the site. Theres already tons of sites for that, why do we really need another one?
Yea good bump. I had actually meant to ask this question a couple weeks ago. Of course you would need to implement some sort of feedback system like a lot of forums with buy/sell/trade has. Make the people verify who they are and keep feedback. People get scammed all the time, its a chance you take.