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  • HB/GB Relogger Closed Beta Applications

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by erenion, Nov 9, 2010.

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    1. erenion

      erenion DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The closed beta of the HB/GB relogger (name yet to be decided) is here. I will be reviewing people for the beta based on a few questions (see the bottom of this post). What the relogger is? Essentially it is a relogger that you can use for honorbuddy/gatherbuddy as well as with the plugin eAuction (not sure if it has been released as of yet but it will be in the very near future). You can heavily configure each account to act differently and only need one hb/gb per computer. For the beta if you are accepted into it you will recieve unlimited usage of it, however, when released it will cost 1eur per character per month you wish to use it on (there will be a free trial for everyone). It all works in background mode, resizes windows, restarts on crashes. You can limit the # of accounts running on a computer, number of hours per computer etc.

      There are currently 3 character "types" (more to come?)
      1. Leveler
      - Your character will use HB to level based on the profile you select and other settings etc.
      2. Farmer
      - Your character will farm using GB using the profile you select etc. (other settings will come later but for now only profile - I think.... Check the config to be sure)
      3. Seller
      - Your character will use eAuction with HB to sell items based on eAuction settings (in Orgrimmar or Stormwind)

      You can have both a seller and a farmer on one account and it will log out the farmer to login the leveler a selected amount of times a day (giving priority to the seller) so you can both farm and sell in a completly automated fashion.

      Anyway not going to put much more than that for a readme. Why? Because its a closed beta. Why? Because most users don't read anything (if your reading this your the exception) and that means we need to figure out if it is confusing to people and if it is we want reports that its confusing. Hence for now there is a lack of a readme file. If anyone wants to make one be my guest, thats all part of the process :p

      Currently the relogger's username/password are un-related to the HB/GB username/password although I will be using your forum name for your username. In future you will purchase this through the buddy shop and you will use the same username/password.

      All bug reports should be posted here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/genera...gger-closed-beta-applications.html#post153717 . They should be posted with a log etc. as you would post HB/GB bugs.

      How to get in the beta:
      Fill out the below form and pm me it with the title BETA APPLICATION (please include the questions in the PM). Please don't include anything other than the questions as I expect to get spammed with PMs :p


      1: Do you use HB/GB or both:
      2. How long have you been using HB/GB:
      3. How many sessions of HB/GB do you own:
      4. How do you intend on using the relogger (HB leveling, HB selling, GB farming or any combination of the three or other):
      5. How many accounts do you have:
      6. How old are you (if you are uncomfortable answering that give me a range):
      7. What password do you want for the relogger if you are accepted (I don't want your HB/GB password or any of your passwords for that matter so make it something NEW!):
      8. Any extra notes (ie why I should accept you, keep it short please):
      9. What is your first language:
      10. Where are you from:
      11. If you don't speak english as a first language, how long have you been speaking it?

      If you are accepted you will be pm'd a way to download the program and some other basic instructions. Thanks for your interest. PS If my inbox is full try again later.
      Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
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