Hi, I think I found the reason why HB sometimes grabs a minion and does not attack. With the new version it says in the chat "found no possible trades, going for the face". Then he trys to attack the face. But there is a taunt minion... jotd Edit: Now he tried to attack a minion that wasn't there anymore. "Gurubashi Berserker has a potential trade with Stormpike Commando" ... there was no Stormpike Commando anymore.
I have a similar issue where it says "We have legal! Get this guy!" despite the ancient of war blocking the way. It tries to repeatedly attack the face with each minion. edit: Now it is just ignoring taunts most of the time, trying to attack different targets instead and I have to stop the bot and kill the taunt myself before starting it again. edit2: Also have an issue with it trying to trade minions with stealthed ones