Hi, HB doesn't use aquatic form in Vashj'ir with druid although it's set to true in singular. (please remove this post: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/editpost.php?p=2254386&do=)
This issue isn't fixed with new build. Unfortunately, I need to farm a lot of herbs in Vashij'ir and mounted with Seahorse as druid is like shouting "Ban me, I'm a bot." Couldn't be more obvious Has anyone an idea how to script around this issue until it's fixed?
Farming in Vashij'ir is not very common atm. so this does not have highest priority atm. but it is still on our list. Please check the changelogs of the upcoming releases to see if your problem is fixed. I am sorry you have to wait.
Thank you for your answer. Do you have any idea, how to prevent HB from using Seahorse and forcing Shapeshift instead?