Title says it. Same error spamming in the log over and over again. It is the moment when it should go to a mailbox and mail. View attachment 06.12.2011_00_47 4980 Log.txt
Okay. Download the newest release again ( Honorbuddy - Downloads - WOW Bot for PVP Leveling Gathering - Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Forums ) When you unzip it, DO NOT unzip over your old folder. Make a new one! Then disable all plugins except for Bug Submitter & Refreshment Detection, and disable all add-ons in WoW. Then give us a new log ( if it fails again ).
Hmmm... Are you sure you have .Net Frameworks SP 1 ( https://www.microsoft.com/downloads...2f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&displaylang=en ) If on Windows 7 you don't need that. Is your Windows completely updated? (Through the Microsoft Live Updates) Running Honorbuddy.exe as admin? (right-click) WoW not in FullScreen mode ( set it to windowed, and not Windowed-Maximized either (you'd be able to see the taskbar, but wow is the whole screen))
Ah this is it. Always thought HB would auto detect Mailboxes, just like Vendors. A Quick hint how to get coords of a mailbox? Or is there a code to let hb auto detect them and move to the nearest?
Open developers tools switch to objects update it whilst standing near it and then copy the xyz from the dev tools tab
So could you check if i did it right? "<HBProfile> <Name></Name> <MinDurability>0.4</MinDurability> <MinFreeBagSlots>1</MinFreeBagSlots> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <Factions>99999</Factions> <MailGrey>False</MailGrey> <MailWhite>True</MailWhite> <MailGreen>True</MailGreen> <MailBlue>True</MailBlue> <MailPurple>True</MailPurple> <SellGrey>True</SellGrey> <SellWhite>True</SellWhite> <SellGreen>False</SellGreen> <SellBlue>False</SellBlue> <SellPurple>False</SellPurple> <Vendors> </Vendors> <Mailboxes> <Mailbox X="-443.6922" y="-2649.079" z="95.77381" /> </Mailboxes> <Blackspots> <Blackspot X="1918.384" Y="-4584.305" Z="38.08955" Radius="2.488826" /> <Blackspot X="1904.622" Y="-4611.38" Z="38.08939" Radius="2.925328" /> <Blackspot X="1945.513" Y="-4697.564" Z="36.01491" Radius="5.738221" /> <Blackspot X="1955.528" Y="-4720.438" Z="37.65824" Radius="2.542814" /> <Blackspot X="1909.309" Y="-4678.926" Z="35.30098" Radius="1.203703" /> <Blackspot X="1904.355" Y="-4509.64" Z="26.82976" Radius="3.579645" /> <Blackspot X= " added only the part between<mailboxes> and </mailboxes> everything else was already there. Because IF its right, it isnt fixing my problem.
Add in a name, if you want. That way you know you have the right profile loaded... Try loading it If not then attach the profile and log next time. Btw, thanks seVen. I didn't think of that.
I started the Profile and even copied some Coords from Kick for the mailbox. but its still the same problem. Edit: Trying to get around the problem by using PB. Will update if it works.