Hello I've ran into this problem frequently while using Kicks' horde questing profile though I'm not sure it is a profile error, for some quests there is the objective to pick items up off the floor similar to gathering, but when the bot tries to pick it up the cast is instantly interrupted, this also happens if I try to click it myself with the bot on. If I stop the bot I can then gather it, so I believe it is a bot error, I'll upload a log of this happening : Thanks in advance Log was too long so I will just paste in the part where the problem occurs Code: [15:21:41:390] Moving to Type: Harvest [15:21:43:528] InteractDebug:648083360 [15:21:43:535] Interact Done:648083360 [15:21:53:650] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag [15:21:53:650] Cleared POI [15:21:54:071] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [15:21:54:219] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted [15:21:54:219] Cleared POI [15:21:54:372] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [15:21:54:520] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted [15:21:54:520] Cleared POI [15:21:54:669] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [15:21:54:825] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted [15:21:54:825] Cleared POI [15:21:55:002] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [15:21:55:152] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted [15:21:55:152] Cleared POI [15:21:55:302] Changed POI to:Type: Harvest [15:21:55:602] InteractDebug:648083360 [15:21:55:613] Interact Done:648083360 [15:22:01:161] Stopping the bot! [15:22:01:161] Stop called! [15:22:01:179] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [15:22:01:265] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout) at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() [15:22:01:266] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() I see it says "already looted" but it obviously wasn't it was still on the floor, the gather was always interrupted
post a full log plz http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-[-pictures].html also do you use the QB's provided by Kick?
Compressed it, here's the log, still getting this problem. View attachment 10-10-2011_10_31 4256 Log.zip
Just had the same thing occur when using a casted quest item on a object. Should be in this log View attachment 11-10-2011_12_29 8920 Log.txt
the last lines of your log showing that your char was stucked on what area was your char? on what quest?
I don't remember which quests they were, but this is more generic than quest specific it's happened in multiple places on different things. The second log was in Hellfire Peninsula
it was the quest that your toon must interact with the green thing inside a big brown othen thing and it tries to reach it but it cant?
Nope, the first log it just has to pick things up off the floor, failed on all of them. The second in hellfire it had to go up to catapults and use the fire on them, that failed too. 2 different things with the same problem, the action gets interrupted.
[15:20:53:484] Goal: Picking up Where There's Smoke, There's Delicious Meat [15:20:53:485] Goal: Goal: Collect Starfall Relic x 5 PHP: <PickUp QuestName="Where There's Smoke, There's Delicious Meat" QuestId="28718" GiverName="Sana Curtainfire" GiverId="49402" /> <Objective QuestName="Out of Harm's Way" QuestId="28701" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="64675" CollectCount="5" /> <Objective QuestName="Step Into My Barrow" QuestId="28703" Type="KillMob" MobId="49346" KillCount="10" /> <Objective QuestName="Step Into My Barrow" QuestId="28703" Type="KillMob" MobId="49347" KillCount="5" /> <TurnIn QuestName="Step Into My Barrow" QuestId="28703" TurnInName="Rinno Curtainfire" TurnInId="49407" /> objectives are bot-internal but i have noticed a *lot* of stuck maneuvering in the last few builds This is a bot issue - we'll fwd it to the dev team [12:30:08:660] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5354 started! is the release version, weird
Ive had the same problem but it is later in the 82-84 profile for deepholm on a couple of the gathering quest. Once I log in I'll get more specific quest names, but I have found that once that happens, restarting the WoW client and HB again and starting the profile again gets it working. Just kinda a bandaid I guess over the problem?