Hb quit automatically,(and I am still in the game) ,what's going on?(or am i detected?) please see the full log attachment (some personal message used **** ),thanks.
Hi, Evaajyjy, and thank you for the log! You have lost connectivity to the Authentication server while Honorbuddy was running. This happens from time-to-time, and the causes that jump immediately to mind include: AV update has goobered something Firewall update has goobered something Wireless router needs rebooting, or firmware update, or overloaded by P2P or other apps running behind it. It could also be a regional thing with the ISP The problem will be on your end, or with your ISP. Although your fingerprint of the problem is slightly different, this article identifies the places you can check: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:'Authentication Failed' errors cheers, chinajade