Hello. I can't use Honorbuddy for some reason. I can't use it on any character. It just doesn't do anything. RED LOGS ON MY MAIN LEVEL 103: [LoadProfile-LoadPr(fatal)] Profile 'C:\Users\Hlz\Documents\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Legion\Class Hall Loaders\[N - Quest] Warlock [Echo].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile? RED LOGS ON MY PALADIN: XML Error: Unknown tag "InitOrder" (Input: "<InitOrder> <!-- Perhaps add detection for loading the class hall if player hasn't unlocked this zone yet. --> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="SetCVar('AutoLootDefault', 1)" /> <CustomBehavior File="EnablePlugin" Names="Anti Drown" /> <CustomBehavior File="EnablePlugin" Names="Refreshment Detection" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo" AllowBrokenAddOns="true" AllowBrokenPlugIns="true" /> <LootMobs Value="true" /> <TargetingDistance Value="45" /> <!-- Use LevelBot default --> </InitOrder>") in "HBProfile"! - On line 22 RED LOGS ON A NEW CHARACTER: Bot stopping! Reason: Could not generate any hotspots for quest The Balance of Nature. Please place a quest override for this quest.
All you need to do is a clean install, go into the file location and delete it then uninstall HB after restart your computer and reinstall HB then you should be set. It didnt work for me by only uninstalling it so make sure you delete everything from the HB install. Hope this helps